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Global Pride Summit, June 1-5 2015

Global Pride Summit 2015


Global Pride Summit 2015
Press Contact: Patrick W. Ziegler
[email protected]

Discrimination in Indiana, LGBT oppression, religious shaming, and making LGBT people feel broken and unworthy needs to end! The first-­‐of-­‐its-­‐kind FREE ONLINE Global Pride Summit features Greg Louganis, Chaz Bono and an all-­‐star LGBTA lineup here to empower, inspire, and celebrate the PERFECTION of LGBT people worldwide.

The GLOBAL PRIDE SUMMIT (GPS) is a FREE, online, international summit serving the LGBTA world. Happening June 1-­‐ June 5, 2015, GPS will coincide with June PRIDE celebrations throughout the United States and beyond.

Created by internationally recognized inspirational gay, thought leader and author, Mark Anthony Lord, the Summit brings together some of the greatest LGBTA celebrities, teachers, business leaders, healers, coaches, s/heroes and artists.

  • Greg Louganis four-­‐time Olympic champion, subject of the 2014 AFI Docs Official selection “Back On Board” and NY Times Best Selling Author

  • Bria & Chrissy lesbian singing duo, activists, and YouTube sensation with over 48 million views and 300 thousand combined subscribers

  • Chaz Bono actor, writer, musician & advocate

  • Michael Bernard Beckwith renowned author, television personality, Expert on Oprah, featured in The Secret, and Founder/Spiritual Director of Agape International Spiritual Center

  • Gabby Bernstein a “next generation thought leader”, author, featured on Oprah, and a regular guest on the TODAY show

  • Kim Shepherd, CEO of Decision Toolbox

  • And nearly two dozen more!

The five-­‐day, FREE, online conference promises inspirational personal stories that will help LGBT people all over the globe grow in courage and self-­‐acceptance, provide tools to build self-­‐ esteem and personal empowerment and knowledge to create empathy and compassion among the community itself.

Mark Anthony Lord, has been inspired by his own transformation and keen understanding of the limitations of support systems for those seeking freedom from internalized shame and homophobia beyond more costly approaches like therapy, personal growth seminars, etc.

The intent is to make personal pride more accessible.

My youth was filled with self-­‐hatred and rejection and today I know what it means to fully love myself. I want every LGBT person to know that for themselves.”

He sees the on-­‐line approach as an opportunity for LGBT people all over the world to come together in a stand for greater freedom. In addition, with the recent discriminative legislation in Indiana (and throughout the US), as well as the upcoming ruling from the Supreme Court regarding marriage equality, Mark Anthony adds:

“You can’t legislate how we feel about ourselves. Politicians may tell us we’re bad and the Supreme Court may tell us we’re good, but it doesn’t matter. We’re done with others telling us how to feel and who to love. The Global Pride Summit says game over to shame and fear.”

In addition to the full line-­‐up of speakers, on-­‐line attendees will also be invited to participate in live webinars each night, asking questions and sharing personal insights about the theme of the day with host, Mark Anthony Lord.

The Matthew Shepard Foundation (, Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors Fund ( and Athlete Ally ( proudly endorse the conference.

Persons interested in learning more and/or registering can visit or visit Twitter @globalpride4all or

About Mark Anthony Lord

Mark Anthony Lord is the Creator and Host of the Global Pride Summit. He is an internationally recognized gay, thought leader, speaker, teacher, and counselor dedicating his life to releasing the world from homophobia. His personal mission is to awaken people to their inherent joy, freedom, and courage to be fully expressed.

He is the Founder of the Bodhi Spiritual Center in Chicago. He is the author of two books – The Seven Living Words, An Illuminated Perspective on the Seven Last Words of Jesus, and Thou Shall Not Suffer – 7 steps to a life lf JOY.

Mark Anthony has his Masters of Divinity from the Holmes Institute. He has also trained at Agape Internationals Spiritual Center, Unity, and Oneness University in India.

Mark is available for interviews.

Additional press resources are available upon request PRESS INQUIRIES CONTACT

Patrick W. Ziegler [email protected]

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