Ask The Batemaster: Morning Wood Explained
Do you ever wake up with a hard-on? A full on boner in the sheets? You might know of it as "morning wood" and The Batemaster is here to explain.
Do you ever wake up with a hard-on? A full on boner in the sheets? You might know of it as "morning wood" and The Batemaster is here to explain.
I know you say the difference is mostly genetic. But isn’t there some way I can make more precum?
This thing you call “Expressway Y”—love it, man! It’s bate bliss Triple A+++! Can you explain about “neuroplasticity,” how it relates to that?
I experience pure penis pleasure beyond anything I’ve ever felt before! It’s been over a year since I ejaculated, and I’m not sure I ever want to ejaculate again.
Bator Training Series: Season 2 comes full circle to its finale with an explosive video from BW legend BigStiffy as they gear up for the Season 3 premiere just in time for Masturbation Month.
Hi, Bruce! I am a Roman Catholic priest and I love my religion! Except, since my teens I’ve loved to masturbate, which I feel brings me closer to God.
The foreskin protects the head of the penis and keeps it moist, soft, tender, and luscious. The natural gliding motion prevents friction and feels amazing.
Representation of Male Masturbation in Pornography and how Male masturbation is no longer automatically portrayed as a shameful, hidden act.
Our mutual masturbation is great! Except what he does on my cock isn’t what I want. How do I tell him what I want without hurting his feelings?
Shame is something learned, usually from very early in life. However, I can offer you a way to gradually dissolve and finally eliminate such shame entirely!
While the penis is what keeps most Bators connected, I’ve come to understand that we have a fundamental theme that brings us closer than dong: connection.
Your nipples may be on the lower end of the spectrum of sensitivity, but given attention and devotion, you can develop a lot more sensitivity from them.