Ask The Batemaster: All That Semen Retention
Every man loves to ejaculate, to feel his brain temporarily dissolve in total surrender to the intensity of ejaculatory orgasm. So why semen retention then?
Every man loves to ejaculate, to feel his brain temporarily dissolve in total surrender to the intensity of ejaculatory orgasm. So why semen retention then?
Many masturbators on BateWorld have mastered the hands-free orgasm. What does it take to let go and ejaculate no handed? How do they do it? How can I do it too?
A man's orgasm face AKA O face is always hotter to me than his actual cock. I need to see face, especially that O face. Is this a fetish? How unusual is it?
I love birdwatching so I can be outdoors in wild or semi-wild places. It allows me to bate a lot while I wait for birds to appear: A great way to pass the time!
When you talk about “dry orgasms” sometimes I also hear you mention a continuous orgasmic state. Sounds incredible! What is that really? How can I get there?
Long-term blog contributor M.B. Timothy (Saboteur on BateWorld) writes on the relationship between masturbation and time in his new book BATORMORPHOSIS.
In another revealing post, M.B. Timothy ( BateWorld member Saboteur ) talks about overcoming masturbation shame. He also explains how you can overcome it.
You sometimes say that using a lot of porn for batefuel isn’t necessarily bad, but it doesn’t mix too well with Mindful Masturbation.
I’ve got some great bate buddies, which is a huge blessing in my life! But unless they will kiss deeply and pinch my nips really hard I can’t come with them.
Your protégé Dragon Puppy (Dragonpuppy3 on Bateworld) talks about semen retention and Sex Magick. Can you explain in simple terms just how this stuff works?
This thing I call “a continuous orgasmic state” is well worth the experimenting and practice to reach, Here I will share how you can experience this very state
I am Bateworld member Jaxz and I’m an avid bator. I’m a student of psychology and wanted to dive into the subculture of all things male masturbation.