Ask The Batemaster: The Importance of Being Lubed
I’ve just discovered lube, from how you often mention it, Bruce! Feels great and protects me. Better late than never, right?
I’ve just discovered lube, from how you often mention it, Bruce! Feels great and protects me. Better late than never, right?
Versatility, it seems, is the name of the game if you want your man cave to secretly be your bate cave. All you gotta do is designate a room in your home, decorate it as the classic man cave, but then covertly equip it with all your bator needs!
I’ve heard some scary things about monkeypox lately. Some gay guys are getting it, but also other people. Can I get this from bating with guys?
You've all been waiting with pitched tents to hear what happened next after Part 1 of Waiting For My New Bate Bud To Arrive, here it is!
Don’t get me wrong: I love to bate! How on God’s Green Earth can it be considered something “spiritual” as I hear you and some others say sometimes??? announces Season 5 of the popular Bator Training Series, presented by Cybersocket. This new season focuses on Rituals practiced by a diverse group of bators.
There is no magic fix for how to cum more or shoot extremely far, but there are some things you can do. Kegel exercises for men or other techniques may help...
It's 1am. I'm waiting on my porch for a guy to come over to bate with me for the first time.
Some guys seem so sensitive on their frenulum under their penis head it drives them wild! Mine doesn’t seem to be. What am I missing? Is something wrong with me?
Getting verbal with a buddy is a blast! But could it also be hot to get verbal when you are alone? The answer to that is, hell yes it is!
I’ve got a “guys with specs” fetish, I guess. It’s not required but seeing men wearing glasses masturbate gets me off totally! The nerdy sexual animal, maybe?
I hinted we might masturbate, he got huffy and said he isn’t gay shouting: “No way!” I told him it’s not a gay thing, but a guy thing, and he slammed the door.