Ask The Batemaster: The Moon And The Bate
Hey, Bruce, I’ve heard you say that the Moon is somehow connected with the penis and masturbation.
Hey, Bruce, I’ve heard you say that the Moon is somehow connected with the penis and masturbation.
Male masturbation free from guilt or shame is one of the greatest glories that human life has to offer. Premieres BATOR TRAINING SERIES Presented by
Hot Octopuss The Cutting Edge of Sex Toy Designers
I see guys talk about Penis Worship here on Bateworld pretty often. What do you think about Penis Worship?
I want to share with you the first in my crystal collection that I started my masturbation journey with: The Rose Quartz Simulator Collection.
We’re learning social distancing from the pros this week with the hottest celebrity wanking scenes in Hollywood history!
I’ve been working with crystal energy for 21 years and it has been a great journey. Crystals have helped me achieve things I’ve wanted to draw into my life, mind-blowing orgasms included.
I can’t help watching him as my regular bate fuel and secretly joining in. Is it wrong to watch him like this? Should I try to contact him and see if we could do it together?
I want to go a little deeper into what my DL life looks like and a few more toys that can be integrated into your bate-life without creating (too much) suspicion by those who may be watching.
If he’s really such a good friend, hopefully he can understand your preference.
The Lingam massage is a tantric massage that only focuses on the male genitalia which includes the penis, scrotum, perineum and anus.
Now that we’re a bit older—he’s divorced and I’m gay—if we had a chance, I’d love to bate with him. Would it be wrong? Would it really be incest?