Ask The Batemaster: Is My Fetish Weird?
Somehow totally naked guys aren’t quite so exciting to me! Is this weird? What do you think about this?
Somehow totally naked guys aren’t quite so exciting to me! Is this weird? What do you think about this?
Your protégé Dragon Puppy (Dragonpuppy3 on Bateworld) talks about semen retention and Sex Magick. Can you explain in simple terms just how this stuff works?
Our mutual masturbation is great! Except what he does on my cock isn’t what I want. How do I tell him what I want without hurting his feelings?
Shame is something learned, usually from very early in life. However, I can offer you a way to gradually dissolve and finally eliminate such shame entirely!
While the penis is what keeps most Bators connected, I’ve come to understand that we have a fundamental theme that brings us closer than dong: connection.
Your nipples may be on the lower end of the spectrum of sensitivity, but given attention and devotion, you can develop a lot more sensitivity from them.
I have a great bromance with my straight buddy. We bate together and sometimes he plays straight porn and I completely lose my hard on. What can I do?
I’m still struggling with the urge to ejaculate after maybe just 10 or 15 minutes of stroking, at most. How can I prolong my bate session?
Bateworld's Batemas selection of toys will keep your cock rocking well into next year. Treat yourself to one or all and find new levels of masturbation.
I don't know why most guys beat off to porn, huff poppers, and race to the finish line. Why don't all guys do Mindful Masturbation?
This thing I call “a continuous orgasmic state” is well worth the experimenting and practice to reach, Here I will share how you can experience this very state
My housemate often comes into my room in the middle of the night and we masturbate each other in the dark. In the daytime, he won’t talk about it.