Ask The Batemaster: Semen Retention & When To Ejaculate
The primary reason to practice this is because it can take you to new levels of intense and profound pure penis pleasure you’ve never experienced before.
The primary reason to practice this is because it can take you to new levels of intense and profound pure penis pleasure you’ve never experienced before.
One of our deepest thinkers on the power of masturbation and members of writes here on why masturbation is […]
I’m hoping that millions of men all over this beautiful planet of ours take the opportunity to use isolation to practice masturbating more skillfully, and to enjoy it more.
Stay Home, Masturbate, Flatten The Curve. As you all know, we are living in tough times right now. We don’t […]
our basic situation is a lot more common than you may imagine. The majority of men do not look like handsome porn models or gym bunnies...
I’ve been working with crystal energy for 21 years and it has been a great journey. Crystals have helped me achieve things I’ve wanted to draw into my life, mind-blowing orgasms included.
I can’t help watching him as my regular bate fuel and secretly joining in. Is it wrong to watch him like this? Should I try to contact him and see if we could do it together?
Now that we’re a bit older—he’s divorced and I’m gay—if we had a chance, I’d love to bate with him. Would it be wrong? Would it really be incest?
I’m so lucky to live in a place where shrooms are now decriminalized (Denver). Tripping on shrooms can take you to unbelievable places in the bate.
You may begin to access more intense pure penis pleasure for longer periods than ever before!
How great that we have a respite from it all at BateWorld, where you can forget about the outside world and connect with other men who also love to bate.
Could you present a simple summary of a few of the most important points on how to Masturbate Mindfully?