Ask The Batemaster: Mattress & Pillow Bate
I started doing this pretty young, and lots of times it’s still a favorite way for me to bate. Is this childish? Do you think it’s okay? Thanks!
I started doing this pretty young, and lots of times it’s still a favorite way for me to bate. Is this childish? Do you think it’s okay? Thanks!
Male masturbation free from guilt or shame is one of the greatest glories that human life has to offer.
our basic situation is a lot more common than you may imagine. The majority of men do not look like handsome porn models or gym bunnies...
I’ve been working with crystal energy for 21 years and it has been a great journey. Crystals have helped me achieve things I’ve wanted to draw into my life, mind-blowing orgasms included.
I can’t help watching him as my regular bate fuel and secretly joining in. Is it wrong to watch him like this? Should I try to contact him and see if we could do it together?
At the heat of the moment many bators are horny and masturbate, but after their session they fall into a downward spiral of shame. Why?
I’m so lucky to live in a place where shrooms are now decriminalized (Denver). Tripping on shrooms can take you to unbelievable places in the bate.
...Is this dangerous legally? Is this public exposure?
Harness the energy of crystals into your masturbation routine.
You may begin to access more intense pure penis pleasure for longer periods than ever before!
How can I learn more about how to actually practice what you describe in the book?
What is your favorite space or place? Do you have a spot that is your go to? A place that totally turns you on more than any other?