Ask The Batemaster: Why Don’t All Guys Do Mindful Masturbation?
I don't know why most guys beat off to porn, huff poppers, and race to the finish line. Why don't all guys do Mindful Masturbation?
I don't know why most guys beat off to porn, huff poppers, and race to the finish line. Why don't all guys do Mindful Masturbation?
This thing I call “a continuous orgasmic state” is well worth the experimenting and practice to reach, Here I will share how you can experience this very state
I met Jim Wilkinson a while back and grew to enjoy his photography of sexy models. I even got to be a model for him myself. Therefore, I thought it would be fun to share his artistry with my BateWorld community.
Jason Armstrong is back! Armstrong (aka wildhorse100 on BateWorld) released his third book, The Happy Hypersexual,
I get asked by many young bate brothers how I am able to achieve such great orgasms. These questions come to me with a sense of disbelief, as if being a great Solosexual is elusive, when the truth of the matter is, every brother can achieve this status.
I am new to Bateworld. This is my masturbation and solosexual lifestyle as a 71 year old bisexual married man.
Mindful Masturbation can improve self-esteem…I suggest a classic “Love Yourself” mirror exercise.
My roommate and I are bate buds. Our other roommate joined which was really hot. Now they seem more into each other and I feel left out. What should I do?
Masturbation has been looked down upon. Our responsibility as men and masturbators is to continue to perpetuate positive images and attitudes toward masturbation.
I love my girlfriend, we have great sex, but she never compliments my penis. I like talking to guys on Bateworld and they always compliment. What gives?
Similar to solosexual authors M. B. Timothy and Jason Armstrong, Beastlybator shares his experience and his journey to the discovery of his solosexuality and self healing through masturbation.
There is really nothing to be gained by trying to label your sexuality… QUESTION: I’ve always been totally straight, married […]