Ask The Batemaster: Chem Parties Have Wrecked My Friend
I’ve got a mate who has gotten strung out by chem parties. We used to bate together, and now he can’t even get it up. He’s a wreck! How can I help him?
I’ve got a mate who has gotten strung out by chem parties. We used to bate together, and now he can’t even get it up. He’s a wreck! How can I help him?
Yes, I love to masturbate, but just seeing a penis, still always thrills me to my core! Do you think this is anything unusual or extreme?
Happy International Masturbation Month 2021!
I masturbate to naked photos of male celebrities, and of course not all of them are real photos. Is this a fetish? Is there anything twisted about it?
I’ve got an older friend who I love to masturbate with. I’m 33 and he’s almost 70. What's with ageism? Do you think there’s anything odd or “off” about this?
Do you ever wake up with a hard-on? A full on boner in the sheets? You might know of it as "morning wood" and The Batemaster is here to explain.
I know you say the difference is mostly genetic. But isn’t there some way I can make more precum?
This thing you call “Expressway Y”—love it, man! It’s bate bliss Triple A+++! Can you explain about “neuroplasticity,” how it relates to that?
I experience pure penis pleasure beyond anything I’ve ever felt before! It’s been over a year since I ejaculated, and I’m not sure I ever want to ejaculate again.
Hi, Bruce! I am a Roman Catholic priest and I love my religion! Except, since my teens I’ve loved to masturbate, which I feel brings me closer to God.
Somehow totally naked guys aren’t quite so exciting to me! Is this weird? What do you think about this?
Your protégé Dragon Puppy (Dragonpuppy3 on Bateworld) talks about semen retention and Sex Magick. Can you explain in simple terms just how this stuff works?