Ask The Batemaster: Bating In The Office Restroom
Since returning to the office after restrictions have been eased, I’ve been hearing guys masturbate in the toilet cubicles. It makes me horny, only I’m scared to do it myself.
Since returning to the office after restrictions have been eased, I’ve been hearing guys masturbate in the toilet cubicles. It makes me horny, only I’m scared to do it myself.
The goon, such passion and desire that your penis gives off is extremely captivating and well renowned in every stroke. I see and feel the power of my goon.
I love self-pleasuring but also into chastity cages. Can you unite being a bator and being caged? Can you worship the penis even though you forbid yourself one?
Breathe slowly and deeply, as tools in your kit of masturbation skills and tactics. QUESTION: You often talk about deep […]
If you are one of the hundreds of thousands of people who have trouble bating due to disability, old age or injury, I also have a solution for you. In my quest to find the best cumpanion, I have created the world’s first accessible sex toy made by disabled people for everyone: The Bump’n Joystick.
I found my roommate online doing a great show in a jackoff chat room. [...]Do I dare ask if he’ll let me join in the show and do it with him on cam?
I’ve just discovered lube, from how you often mention it, Bruce! Feels great and protects me. Better late than never, right?
Versatility, it seems, is the name of the game if you want your man cave to secretly be your bate cave. All you gotta do is designate a room in your home, decorate it as the classic man cave, but then covertly equip it with all your bator needs!
I’ve heard some scary things about monkeypox lately. Some gay guys are getting it, but also other people. Can I get this from bating with guys?
You've all been waiting with pitched tents to hear what happened next after Part 1 of Waiting For My New Bate Bud To Arrive, here it is!
Don’t get me wrong: I love to bate! How on God’s Green Earth can it be considered something “spiritual” as I hear you and some others say sometimes???