BateWorld Gears up for a Safe and Exciting 2025
As 2024 finally winds down, BateWorld gears up for an exciting 2025 with 4K video for all, better safety and moderation, and an easier community experience.
As 2024 finally winds down, BateWorld gears up for an exciting 2025 with 4K video for all, better safety and moderation, and an easier community experience.
BateWorld founder celebrates it's 15 year anniversary with a letter to it's members and to all masturbators around the world.
Through an epic journey of challenges and triumphs, BateWorld was born. "These last fifteen years have been an extraordinary odyssey" says BateWorld co-founder.
Anyone can learn the art of frot to enhance their pleasure. It's the same for any new technique: forgetting your preconceived notions and surrendering to it.
Whatever your masturbation routines and rituals, how have they evolved? What has your bator evolution taught? Have they had a positive impact on your life?
Ring in 2024 and have a fappy New Year with these bate supplies. Must-haves for every bators arsenal.
My holiest shrine in the whole wide world is right here, between my own legs: Holy Phallus! This is what it’s truly about for men. How do we spread the word?
Whip out those dongs and pull out that lube, it's COCKtail hour. We're raising our cum filled glasses for a toast to Episode 6 of the BateOff! Here's the recap!
BateWorld celebrates Masturbation Month this May with The Great BateWorld BateOff! Season 2 featuring seven bators vying for the coveted title of Master Bator.
Since returning to the office after restrictions have been eased, I’ve been hearing guys masturbate in the toilet cubicles. It makes me horny, only I’m scared to do it myself.
The goon, such passion and desire that your penis gives off is extremely captivating and well renowned in every stroke. I see and feel the power of my goon.
An improved instant message (BateChat) experience is coming!