Ask The Batemaster: I’m A Married Bator With Kids
You’re fortunate if your wife truly accepts your need for some private time to masturbate online.
You’re fortunate if your wife truly accepts your need for some private time to masturbate online.
At work, the only way I can keep my focus on anything but that horny throb between my legs is to go into the MENS room and jerk-off.
Docking is a wonderful way for intact men to share at least some of the glory of having a foreskin with those guys (like me) who are circumcised.
You deserve to enjoy as much erotic pleasure as you can provide yourself.
Bisexuality really exists. My feeling is the vast majority of men are somewhere along a bisexual spectrum.
In an ideal world, infant circumcision would be ended [...]. Every man’s penis is precious, as special, as remarkable as he is himself.
Semen retention [...] helps some athletes feel energized, charged up, and at their peak.
They get bigger, sore, and almost a pale purple color. Can I avoid this?
QUESTION: I’m 26 and live outside the USA in a different culture, so I’m not embarrassed to admit I’m still […]
We’ve been together 12 years and now branch out to bate with other guys, but my BF sometimes seems to feel left out. I see it in his beautiful eyes! What should I do?
QUESTION: I’m 32. Live in NYC and love to haunt the trees and shrubs in Central Park where I like […]
At my yearly physical, with my trousers down on the table, I got an erection. The rather attractive doc said no worries, it was natural.