Ask The Batemaster: Urinal Bate
Enjoy a little urinal bate? A masturbation sesh in the public toilet? You might worry about getting caught, but that makes you wanna bate more. What's the risk?
Enjoy a little urinal bate? A masturbation sesh in the public toilet? You might worry about getting caught, but that makes you wanna bate more. What's the risk?
Hormones and masturbation go together. They increase while you bate. When you ejaculate, these beneficial hormones start to dissolve. How can you avoid this?
Every man loves to ejaculate, to feel his brain temporarily dissolve in total surrender to the intensity of ejaculatory orgasm. So why semen retention then?
I’m just in my fifties. I think I'm having testosterone troubles. My sex drive is a lot less than it was not so many years ago. How can I increase it?
Don’t you think we could solve a lot of world problems if all sorts of men from all sorts of places start to masturbate for world peace together a lot more?
I’ve had this online bate buddy who I bated with daily. He was caught masturbating by his wife; now we don't talk. Can we salvage this? Should I just back off?
Everybody and my grandpa masturbates. Sometimes we need to talk to someone about it. In this case, this bator asked his grandpa for advice and learned a lot.
I’m just 27, and not long ago, my doctor put me on antidepressants. Now my sex drive is low and the antidepressants are affecting my boner. Help! What can I do?
Do you eat your own semen? Slurp it up for a quick cleanup? What if your buddy asked to mix his with yours? Is there any harm to eat my buddies cum? Is it safe?
Many masturbators on BateWorld have mastered the hands-free orgasm. What does it take to let go and ejaculate no handed? How do they do it? How can I do it too?
My holiest shrine in the whole wide world is right here, between my own legs: Holy Phallus! This is what it’s truly about for men. How do we spread the word?
My buddy only kisses me during masturbation. He's hungry for it then; he can't get enough, and when we come, it's over. He'll hug in public, but nothing more.