Following up on my previous article, “How to Actually Introduce Mutual Masturbation to Your Partner,” I knew there was “more to the story” of couples, male sex toys, and mutual masturbation and I found it.
Knowing that the U.S. sex toy industry is vibrant ($15.6B in 2023 with a projected growth rate of 13%) I found this report. For me, some of the most fascinating parts were these:
Sex toys alone or during mutual masturbation
If we look even closer at the data, it’s actually not the case that people use sex toys less with a partner, as we might have initially thought.
It’s just that they don’t do ‘both’ as much as they did previously!
So, even though it’s often proclaimed that society is becoming more individualistic, we are actually also becoming more involved with our partners – at least when it comes to sex toys.
People prefer to use sex toys either alone or with a partner, rather than both – compared to 6 years ago.
Sex toys are more taboo than ever
Public opinion on sex toys – “Sex toys are still taboo”
We’ve asked respondents to what extent they agree with statements on the topic of sexuality and sex toys.
Here are their answers.
- Over the past 6 years, there has been an increase of 10% among people who believe that sex toys are still taboo in society today.
- Almost 66% believe that speaking about sex toys among friends is taboo in 2023.
Against all wisdom, the taboo around sex toys has only grown in the past few years. Substantially.
Even though more people than ever own sex toys, we are more afraid to speak about it.
It’s that last part that really got to me. More people are masturbating, but they can’t talk about it.
Although I really did love this next market fact:
13% more people own both female and male sex toys (65% in 2017 vs 78% in 2023) and the biggest growth was amongst people 51 years and older.
And since there’s a political side to everything, I also found it interesting that amongst the top 10 states with the highest sales of sex toys, 6/10 voted Democrat in the election and amongst the 10 states with the lowest sales, 7/10 were Republican.
But now, juxtapose that information with this: of the top 10 states in online porn consumption, 9/10 were red.
Wow. That’s quite a story, isn’t it? Oh, well. At least some of us have things figured out.
Male sex toys you’ll want to add to your collection