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Ask The Batemaster: Hormones and Masturbation

Hormones and the bate - TBB - ATBM 1


I’ve heard about dopamine and this other “feel good” stuff in the brain, which increases while I masturbate. I do use some porn and sometimes bate online with guys. But whenever I come, pretty soon, I feel sort of hollow and let down, even slightly depressed. I don’t want to do epic edging or retain semen, so how do I avoid this let-down? How do I control my hormones and masturbation?


I’m glad you mentioned that you ejaculate often. I do advocate that a “serious” or “devoted” male masturbator should learn to edge for longer periods, or even retain semen for a long time, as that can take you into levels of bliss and erotic energy you will otherwise miss. Still, I’ve certainly got nothing against ejaculation. It’s great!

It is true that dopamine, endorphins, and testosterone—a whole cocktail of “feel-good” brain chemicals tend to increase while you masturbate. These help you to relax, feel less stressed, become ecstatic, and enjoy living more fully. But when you ejaculate, these beneficial hormones may level out and even begin to reduce in amount in your system. They start to dissolve.

Your mind can release stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, even when there is no immediate threat to your safety or well-being, due to anxiety and worry. Though oxytocin may also be increased during masturbation, it is a hormone crucial for social bonding. Masturbation is often a solitary practice. I do encourage masturbation as a form of loving yourself and feel it is always beneficial, both physically and mentally. To experience plenty of physical pleasure enhances your self-esteem! It may also help you sleep better.

It is also important to have a social life, not just on your phone, your computer, or social media. When you interact with someone and look into their eyes, and socialize in a pleasant, friendly, and harmonious manner, you also enhance dopamine and maintain your oxytocin levels. Even a casual touch, like a hand on a shoulder or ruffling someone’s hair, is good.

Keep in mind that in an actual social life, spending time with other people is important, and that digital versions of interaction don’t have quite the same benefits. It is also true that evidence indicates a great deal of bating to online porn may eventually de-sensitize several brain centers that need to communicate effectively for your erotic pleasure.

So, it’s truly all about balance. Try to enjoy some masturbation focused just on yourself, without fantasy or porn, even if you still use those for bate fuel.

Also, socialize in real-time to increase your oxytocin, as well as fully enjoying the bate!

A note from The Batemaster: I’m honored that the guys at BateWorld have asked me to respond to some questions from male masturbators around the world every week.

Always check with your doctor about any issues you might be experiencing with your sexual organs. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important. This article’s purpose is to inform and entertain readers and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.

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