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Ask The Batemaster: The Public Pool Changing Room

ATBM - TBB - Public Pool

Men appreciating the bodies and penises of other men doubtless goes back countless millennia. That’s an honorable source of batefuel for your imagination.”



I bate alone almost every day, and I like to remember the naked dudes at the public pool changing room. Big adult penises swinging around from nice thick bushes! I go there quite a lot, partly just to see those, but I almost always pop a boner while I’m there. How can I prevent it and save the memories for when I’m safely alone?


Men appreciating the bodies and penises of other men doubtless goes back countless millennia. That’s an honorable source of batefuel for your imagination. Something I noticed right off, though, is your description of being “safely alone.” Perhaps you feel very shy about not only being seen getting erect but also being seen naked in general.

You seem concerned about the other guys noticing your interest and seeing your boner. Most likely, some of them get at least partly aroused, which a lot of guys don’t mind. The human penis tends to hang bigger and heavier at such times, even when only somewhat or partially aroused. Many guys tend to compare themselves unfavorably between the legs of other men. This is a mix of conditioning and visual perspective, looking down rather than over.

Try not to compare yourself; just enjoy the scenery without ogling anyone too obviously. You could try to reduce your own embarrassment and perhaps defuse the awkwardness some of your “scenery” might feel by quietly joking about it a bit, sort of laughing it off. “Sorry,” you could say. Or even: “Doctors say this can happen during physical exams!”

One tactic you could try is to think of something that really disgusts you or even makes you truly sad. During such thinking and emotions, you may be less likely to get aroused, or at least more likely to lose your erection. The problem with this is that it’s not actually healthy to associate anything negative with arousal and penis pleasure. At the same time, if your staring gets too obvious, you may make some of the others uncomfortable. In truth, you cannot be responsible for how anyone else reacts or feels.

Most likely, you are far from alone in enjoying the scenery, even if plenty of the men present may try not to let anyone become aware of their interest and curiosity. Many men not only like to see other men naked, but quite a few enjoy being seen naked. Men are generally naturally interested in other men’s penises, partly because they’re so often hidden by clothing.

Your best bet may be to use your towel, even if other guys don’t. Or let your partly aroused penis swing around and be seen just as some of those other fellows do. Who knows? Some of them probably really enjoy seeing your erection!

Your body is just making a natural response to the visual stimulus.

A note from The Batemaster: I’m honored that the guys at BateWorld have asked me to respond to some questions from male masturbators around the world every week.

Always check with your doctor about any issues you might be experiencing with your sexual organs. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important. This article’s purpose is to inform and entertain readers and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.

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  1. If you’re worried about popping wood in the change room two additional tips:
    – distract yourself with conversation, humming a tune, talk about “the game” whatever – might make a buddy at the same time
    – flex. You’ve only got so much blood running through your body. Some guys with just clench and release a fist a few times, but you can also just walk around a bit (toweled, or not), stretch or pump your arms, anything to get the blood moving to other muscles.

    The biggest thing tho is to relax in the moment. Most guys have been in the awkward boner phase, so we understand it happens.

  2. I think how accepting it would be to get a boner or partial boner in the presence of naked men might depend on what part of the country you live in. California, Oregon for instance are more liberal in this area than say Florida or South Carolina, especially in years gone by. It could be somewhat better now, I don’t know. But I remember in my younger days (not out) I was terrified of getting a boner in front of other men. I remember going to concerts and sporting events in large arenas where there was a long row of urinals spaced about 3 feet apart with no partitions. That was a love/hate thing for me because you couldn’t help but see your neighbor a bit and in those days I got hardons very easily. I was terrified of standing there with a hard dick which of course you couldn’t pee through and very difficult to get back in your pants. I was so fearful of negative comments or even harassment. . Because of this I drank very little at those events. Then another thing I was always afraid of was getting a hardon in front of my male doctor, especially when feeling my balls for hernias. And in locker rooms I got dressed as fast as I could. Actually locker rooms was easier because I just concentrated on getting my clothes and not looking at anyone. I would not be able to stand there naked for very long because I knew I would rise to the occasion and the showers would be the worst. . It was very hard in my younger days to be gay and not be out for family reasons. In fact it would still be hard even if I was out at that time. Of course as you get older you gain more control of your dick and it is not such an issue. But that being said even to this day I am still careful not to be obvious when around naked men. The best part is now I can stand at a urinal, go to the doctor and even be in the locker room at the gym and easily control my dick.

  3. Relaxing in place can also help. Anxiety and excitement can trigger a boner faster. If you learn to relax your brain and your body you may be able to keep the erection from coming on so fast or reduce intensity. Also remember men get erections all the time for all kinds of reasons. It’s not bad because someone may spot it. It’s one thing to have a full erection while changing clothes, but it’s another thing when someone is staring you down with that same hard erection. Having an erection while looking briefly or looking away is not offensive to most men, gay or straight.

  4. I love being seen naked and swinging, especially since I trim my pubic hair. I hope it will strike up conversations about it.