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Ask Dr. Bate

Ask Dr. Bate Logo
Ask Dr. Bate LogoEDITOR’S NOTE: We’re so pleased to welcome Garland Jarmon and Toby DeLuca to TheBatorBlog’s Ask Dr. Bate column. If you’d like to submit questions, please email them at [email protected].

Hey Dr. Bate!

I’m a horny young guy (20), and recently I’ve gotten into a habit that I’m not sure is healthy, especially physically?

So, when I jack off, I get hard, edge for a while, then blow my load. All normal, right? Except, sometimes, I’m still SOOOO horny even right after I cum. I keep tugging at my cock and it’s still totally soft. Eventually, if I tug enough and just right, I can kind of “make” myself cum while totally soft.

Basically, I’m not hard at all. Sometimes I’ll get a little stiff as I’m cumming again, but not even then always. I have both an orgasm and an ejaculation- my cum is a little thicker and whiter, too. It feels amaaaazing. But is it healthy?



Thank you for sharing your story, your excitement and your concern. First of all, let me ease your mind about any health concern related to ejaculating with a soft cock. There is absolutely nothing to be concerned about. You are a young man with a strong libido…enjoy it!

It’s a common misnomer that your cock can only ejaculate when it is erect. Many guys with erectile dysfunction (E.D.) ejaculate without getting a full erection. The flaccid penis can be very sensitive and enjoyable, often bringing more diverse senses of pleasure than an erect penis.

As for the thicker, whiter consistency of your semen on the second ejaculation, it is also very common. The amount of cum and its consistency is directly related to hydration. Your body used a lot of hydration (water) to produce your first amazing load and therefore there is not as much water in the second load making it thicker, less liquidy. Enjoy your flaccid cock!

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Ever since I was a kid I’ve fantasized about daddies. As I got older the daddy/youth archetype became a favorite fantasy to masturbate to, usually watching in my imagination like in a porn film, but sometimes imagining that it was me and that older man. I’m now middle-aged, and the daddies I fantasize about while I’m bating are young enough to be my son…

I don’t suppose there’s anything wrong with imagining being young during a fantasy, but I wonder what you think about it. I don’t have any sexual attraction to anyone under 30, so it’s not anything I feel ashamed of, it’s just a role-playing thing. But if I never grow up in my sex fantasies, what does that say about me?


Thank you for your question as it touches on something that is near and dear to my heart, daddy/boy fantasy and relationships. First of all let me say that there is NOTHING wrong with you! Enjoy your fantasy! Age really is, especially in this case, often just a number. Mentality, on the other hand is something entirely different. But, for the sake of exploration, let’s dig a little deeper.

It is said that many a true word was spoken in jest. In the same spirit, many a deeper desire is explored in fantasy. This is neither right nor wrong. It just offers us fertile soil to explore things that might be subconscious, hidden, past, or hungers.

Without talking to you further and without more history, it’s almost impossible to give wholly accurate reasons as to why your daddy fantasies have remained all these years. However, allow me to posit some potential reasons based on the little information you have given me. Feel free to dismiss or explore further any of these suggestions.

  • Power – Often daddy/boy fantasies center on a certain power dynamic. The boy is usually the submissive in the relationship and the daddy the Dominate. How far these Dom/sub (D/s) roles get played out is different for each pairing. No two are the same. Could it be that you desire to explore more of a submissive sexual/erotic role?
  • Trauma – This gets into the realm of things usually subconscious and often dissociative (and often better resolved with a good therapist). Could there have been a traumatic experience as a child that you have somehow sexualized as a means of coping and/or healing your emotions? Are there internal dialogues and struggles you are reticent to address and heal? The tale of the gay man with daddy issues because there wasn’t a dad present at home is often a very real thing in my experience.
  • Symbolism – Perhaps you like what a daddy represents to you – brute strength, guidance, power, wisdom, nurture, discipline, sternness, muscle, prowess, masculinity, etc. Perhaps daddies are your cream of the crop of sexual delights. Perhaps daddies are the guys you desire as the ultimate “dream come true.” Maybe it’s time to go and pursue a daddy instead of just wishing and fantasizing about it. Perhaps it’s time to do a little bit more digging and exploration for yourself. Maybe not. Only you know!

If I may though, let me offer you something to chew on from the late and great Langston Hughes (whom also was a gay man):


What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

Happy discovering, brother! Enjoy the journey!

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Toby+and+IGarland Jarmon heralds from 7 years as an HIV/AIDS educator and sexual health counselor for individuals and couples. Having a Masters in Social Work and now as a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, he seeks to help all those in the LGBTQIA, straight, and Bator community live a more wholesome and embodied life, full of mindfulness and conscious exploration.

Toby de Luca comes from a background in Education and Massage Therapy. With a Masters in Teaching and also as a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, he to assist folks in facilitating stronger, healthier relationships with their own bodies and their relationships with others.

Together they co-own their own Sex and Erotic Coaching business — Spiritual Eros ( They desire to bring to the BateWorld Community an opportunity to have open and honest discussion about issues that many of us face. They believe that everything is an experiment and that the only failed experiment is one you don’t collect the data from. They also understand that because their answers may not fit every lived experience, they welcome community members to offer their own experiences, challenges, and triumphs. They are proponents that healthy community creates healthier lives…and healthy lives, healthier communities!

Garland and Toby are Sexologists and as such are NOT medical doctors or therapists. The opinions, suggestions, and advice given are not meant to be in lieu of your primary care physician’s medical advice. If you are concerned about a medical condition or have a medical emergency, PLEASE contact your doctor, urgent care, or emergency room!

Brothers, we encourage you to exercise your best and highest wisdom and intuition!

View all posts by DrBate

Garland Jarmon heralds from 7 years as an HIV/AIDS educator and sexual health counselor for individuals and couples. Having a Masters in Social Work and now as a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, he seeks to help all those in the LGBTQIA, straight, and Bator community live a more wholesome and embodied life, full of mindfulness and conscious exploration.

Toby de Luca comes from a background in Education and Massage Therapy. With a Masters in Teaching and also as a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, he to assist folks in facilitating stronger, healthier relationships with their own bodies and their relationships with others.

Together they co-own their own Sex and Erotic Coaching business — Spiritual Eros ( They desire to bring to the BateWorld Community an opportunity to have an open and honest discussion about issues that many of us face. They believe that everything is an experiment and that the only failed experiment is one you don’t collect the data from. They also understand that because their answers may not fit every lived experience, they welcome community members to offer their own experiences, challenges, and triumphs. They are proponents that healthy community creates healthier lives…and healthy lives, healthier communities!

Garland and Toby are Sexologists and as such are NOT medical doctors or therapists. The opinions, suggestions, and advice given are not meant to be in lieu of your primary care physician’s medical advice. If you are concerned about a medical condition or have a medical emergency, PLEASE contact your doctor, urgent care, or emergency room!

Brothers, we encourage you to exercise your best and highest wisdom and intuition!

If you’d like to submit questions, please email them to [email protected].

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  1. Back in 1974 when I was a teenager, the Playgirl centerfold of the month was Mission: Impossible actor Peter Lupus. I was stunned, and ecstatic, to see him boldly show off his cock in its full glory. The four-page centerfold showed Peter with his hands behind his back naked with his peter dangling amid a thick bush of black pubes. There was also a picture of Peter in an open red robe with a semi hard-on and his barefeet showing, and one more nude shot. A later issue revealed two more nude pictures and his penis was featured as a blow-up on one page when he was named Man of the Year.

    As I write this my cock is rising and I am going to need to masturbate.

    My question is…is this normal? I have shot load and load looking at Mr. Lupus for over 40 years now! And do you ever think he regretted doing this?
