Energy and the way to use it to manifest our desires have been on the rise as of late. As the first law of thermodynamics states: energy within us since energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take this energy we all have within us and transform it into sexual energy? Sexuality is vital to all of us, we all crave sex, masturbation and pleasure in general so it is only natural to harness and take advantage of it and transform it into sexual energy.
When it comes to sex and self-pleasure, most of us are horny beings that are sexual desires run rampant in our minds, and it is imperative that we take control of our thoughts and desires. We all have fantasies which we want to explore sexually, but what is the rush let us do this one fantasy at a time.
Channeling holistic sexual energy
Let’s begin with how holistic energy works, if you are right handed you give off energy with your right hand while you take in energy with your left hand, the receiving hand and vice versa if you are left handed. Let us stick to right handed pleasure and how to start preparing for your bating session.
Since your left hand is the receiving hand I hold a crystal for the Sacral Chakra (Red Jasper, Carnelian, Tigers Eye), which is the Chakra that is located where the penis, testicles, perineum and anus is located. As you hold the crystal set ONLY one sexual intention as you start playing and pinching your erroneous zones with your right hand since it is that hand that gives off your energy. Start by pinching and pulling on your nipples, sniff and lick your armpits, bite your lips while your body is taking in all of these uninhibited feelings.
Orgasmic crystal energies
Moan as you play with yourself and work your way down to your cock and enjoy the pleasure. As you are moving closer to your cock and getting ready to masturbate picture your right hand surrounded by a brown or yellow light (the color that corresponds to the region and start to feel your hand getting warm and tingly and slowly start pushing your energy from your right hand into your cock while you start massaging your balls and cock. Fill them with all the energy you have attained from the crystal you are holding in your left hand and release it into your cock, by this point you will be throbbing and oozing with precum.
At this point you need to be careful not to come too quickly because the energy will be so intense and pleasurable that you are going to want to cum. Edge as long as you can until you are mentally and physically ready to ejaculate, once you ejaculate this will send waves of pleasure through your whole body. It is an amazing feeling and the intensity of the orgasm may linger anywhere between 5-15 minutes!
Ejaculation and gratitude
Once you are done and you are covered in cum, take the crystal you were holding in your right hand and hold it in your right now and let it take in the nectar you have just released. Rub your cum all over your balls, cock, chest using the crystal and finally you can lick the cum off the crystal as a sign of gratitude for letting you have the best orgasm ever.
For Lefties (like myself) hold the crystal in your right hand so you can absorb its energy while you use the right hand to perform everything discussed above!
If you need crystals for these sessions, reach out to me. I’m also here to answer any questions you may have. Drop them blow!
Abel – TheCrystalBator
Now that sounds really interesting – I am very aware of the idea of channeling sexual energy through masturbation, but the concept of boosting this through the use of crystals is new to me. I will certainly be giving it a try!