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10th Anniversary Reflections From The Founders of BateWorld, The Premier Online Male Masturbation Community

January 2020 – A New Month, A New Year, A New Decade.

An exciting time to be alive and experience all the changes happening.  Sometimes it seems like it is all going too fast.  How great that we have a respite from it all at BateWorld, where you can forget about the outside world and connect with other men who also love to bate.  

While we don’t know what will change in the future or how it will change, we do know one thing that won’t change; men will always want to masturbate. And sexual orientation doesn’t matter, gay, straight or bi, we all love to bate. Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, “There are only two things certain in life: death and taxes.  If he was lucky enough to have been a member here, I’m sure he would have added a third thing to that quote: masturbation.  

When David and I started BateWorld, part of our mission was to create a community of men who embrace masturbation as a normal, healthy expression of our sexuality.  We have come far in that mission. Men have shared with us how they no longer feel guilt or shame about masturbation…or if they still feel that way, it has been reduced. 

We have always been amazed at how BateWorld has grown and evolved over these past ten years.  We love receiving reports of men who have made lifelong friends and lovers… and even a few marriages. We feel we have gone beyond typical sites by intentionally fostering community and connection based on our common interests as bators and men.

It takes a lot of time, energy and money running and keeping this site secure.  And we still love doing it.  We have an incredible staff of men who take pride in creating and maintaining this community.  We could not have done it without:

Peter W, our Operations Director, who holds everything together.  In addition, he has put together a great team that has transformed into a world class blog.  

Wayne, our Administrative Director, who takes care of all questions and complaints and membership and more.  

Sean, our Senior Programmer, who has programmed the responsive site, is taking the brunt of the complaints while he works with the creators of the new VidChat and is the reason the site remains online. 

COACH (MilkingCOACH), our Digital Marketing Manager oversees marketing and promotion outreach with site partners and advertising opportunities both internally and externally.  He is also the current webmaster for

Edward, our Social Media Manager, is also the creator of many of the new graphics you see on the site.  He is also an editor and writer for Since he has started our social media footprint has increased exponentially. 

And Phil, who used to work only on BateWorld but is now creating our newest site ManConnectr.  We are developing this site because we know that by adapting the community model of BateWorld we can expand to other men whose erotic interests go beyond only masturbation.  So to keep BateWorld’s mission pure as possible, we will have a totally new outlet for those guys.

We love all the support we receive from you. In suggestions, advice, complaints (which helps us recognize and solve problems), and in purchasing premium memberships…. which allows to keep the site running.   We have had so many members tell us that this is the only site they pay for.  They won’t pay for porn, but they are willing to pay to help build community and the relationships they have made and will make.

So many things have changed since we started BateWorld. Who knew Flash would eventually end and we would have to find a new VidChat…and how difficult that would be?  We finally have a responsive site, which allows for a mobile view that we are proud of. The site has transformed so much over the years.

So many changes and so many more to come.  Except for that one constant…you will always want to masturbate.  And we hope that you will continue to spend some of that time coming to and cumming while on BateWorld. 

Thanks.  We are so grateful for your participation in this community.

Bate On Brothers,

Peter R and David M (Co-Founders)

Follow BateWorld on Social Media:

Instagram: @Bateworld_official

Twitter: @Bateworld



View all posts by Peter R

Peter is the Co-Founder and CEO of BateWorld. He is a lifelong masturbator and looking forward to the day when all men can enjoy their bodies free from shame, stigma, and fear. He currently resides at BateWorld HQ in Arizona with his husband.

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    1. Well done guys no anal oral just pure MASTURBATION masturbatewhore addicted dik stroking coach immense amazing thank you so much 🤪

  1. Guys it is a pleasure and an honor to be a part of this community for all the reasons you mention and more. BateWorld has radically improved my sexual satisfaction 🙂

    Congratulations on 10 years, and thank you all for your hard work! Now back to bating Lol

  2. Happy Anniversary! And thanks so much for creating and maintaining BateWorld! It truly has been a life-changer.
    Keep up the good work.

  3. You really have no idea of the good you do. To quote Julius Caser, “For the lonely, masturbation is company, to the forsaken the cock is a friend, to the aged and impotent it is a benefactor, even the poor are rich in that they have this majestic diversion. ” You have united us, men of all ages in a true phallic brotherhood.

  4. Guys. I know we give you a lot of grief but we do appreciate what you do on (what I’m guessing is) relatively meagre resources. But boy oh boy you try our patience sometimes ha ha. But thanks for doing what you do. Thanks for taking the criticism on the head from us all these years and hey, you’re still here. Our criticism always (?) comes from a place of love because you have created something really special. Thank you for that and congratulations

  5. Congratulations and Well Done gentlemen, I knew all men masturbate but it sure was nice to find a community where we can ALL bond over our mutual love & enjoyment of MASTURBATION! ;-b

  6. Thanks for this BW, It Is what I was looking for in many years, a place where we could share this practice with other similar guys who love masturbation And talk with freefom about this practice, this place is really unique in his type. Congratulations

  7. I’m one of those guys who doesn’t subscribe to websites. Porn is widespread and free. After my trial week I was hooked. Bating isn’t porn and it’s better when shared. Sharing my bate and coaching others has helped me define my masculinity. As a paying member, I take sharing the male bonds of stroking together as a rite of passage uninterrupted by the needs of women and partners. Our bate unites all men. Thank you for your hard work and efforts to make this site not only stimulating, but also therapy!!!

    1. Loved your words. I feel same way. As a newbie, should i find a coach? How? In my area? Or does it matter….


  8. Firstly, I want to say a genuine thanks for your efforts over the last ten years. I’ve been here the whole time and enjoyed the greater part of them. However, I won’t be renewing my membership when it lapses. BW is unresponsive to its members’ criticisms and I feel chronically NOT listened to. It feels like there are too many extra ventures going on and not enough time dedicated to making sure is properly looked after, whether that’s with a properly functioning vidchat or other things. Don’t diversify before you’ve nailed the original, guys!

    1. Thanks for sharing this 10 year ride with us. Sorry that you haven’t felt listened to. We try to respond to any complaint or comments by members. Please contact me directly via my profile on BateWorld. It is under PeterRising.

  9. I don’t come here as often as I might like, but when I do, I’m always stimulated and delighted. Great job, great website!

  10. I just want to say a huge ‘thank you’ to you for creating and running such a wonderful website! The service that you have given men who are serious about masturbation is invaluable. Through Bateworld I have been able to explore what bate really means to me, and to form some really enjoyable and powerful relationships (some real life, after we met; some online or cam only) with other bators. The experience of sharing my bate with other men on this site has really allowed me to explore my sense of male self, my masculinity and my penis. Again, thank you.

  11. I’d like to add my thanks to the team that keeps us bating together. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been here for most of those 10 years, after being a member on some of the predecessor sites. So glad that Bateworld exists as an outlet and as a community place. keep on bating, men!

  12. To everyone on the Bateworld staff – many congratulations on your 10th anniversary. I am honored to be a part of the Bateworld brotherhood. Bateworld is the number one site for all things bate. I can’t begin to thank you enough for creating a platform where masturbators like me really find a community of other men who really get what being a masturbator i all about. Bateworld has also given me the confidence to truly and proudly own the fact that I am a masturbator. I am proud to be a masturbator and proud to be a part of the Bateworld Brotherhood. Here’s to another decade of masturbation.

  13. Congratulations and well done. BateWorld changed my life. I’ve been here the entire time, I’ve made some wonderful friendships here along the way. Yes…. the only site I pay for too… and well worth it for the benefit I find here.. and to just support the cause for everyone.

    Connecting with other bators like me has liberated my masturbation from shame and guilt to a man who now embraces my bate. I’ve found new heights of masculine bliss and sharing with others who understand has been a huge gift.

    Bate on brothers.

  14. Also, the ability to comment on posts like these further expands our community. Often times blog topics get even more interesting as everyone chimes in with their comments.views & thoughts about whatever the masturbation topic might be.

  15. Congratulations! I am so grateful to BateWorld and proud to be a member of this unique and wonderful b8r community. BW is always my first stop of each day.

  16. Thank you all for all the work over the past decade! BateWorld has been a vital community for me: I’ve meet so many honest, sexy men here!

  17. I am fairly new here but I can see already how important this site is to so many guys. Life changing! Congratulations on your Anniversary!

  18. Congratulations on your anniversary. I’ve made some friends on BW over the years, most outside of the UK where I live but it’s a very friendly and welcoming unique community and I enjoy it immensely. Personally I think starting another site for those wanting more will be an error of judgement and a costly one at that. There are too many such sites already and most very comprehensive, giving you serious competition which I doubt you will match.

    BW has survived this long because it fits a niche no other sites fulfill. Its not the most advanced by any means and it isn’t very user friendly in mobile format but because masturbation is overlooked by so many sites it is highly valued by its members and we stick with you. I think there’s a lot of mileage yet to be explored fully on the site, personally I think it’s a shame not to push ahead and use the investment to make it even better, you know you have member loyalty, there’s still a strong need to bators to connect and you can make that happen. Moving into yet another male dating, hook up site isn’t a wise move, just my opinion.

  19. BATEWORLD has opened so many doors for me. Exploring my own sexuality and learning to shed all inhibitions has enriched my life. I can’t thank you enough.

  20. I just LOVE YOU GUYS for “doing THIS!!!!” I’d get naked and OIL your entire bodies on cam to show appreciation for WHAT YOU ALL (aka “y’all”) have done for us so MASTERFULLY.

    YOU HAVE INDEED made masturbation “more accepted” no doubt ALL OUR COCKS really appreciate that, especially for ALL THE COCKS TO CUM and join us in the future.

    Every time someone notices my shaved cock at the IP Spa I ask them if they know about BateWorld. Of course, it’s “selfish” that I am seeking MORE LOCAL BATORS (to get all naked and oily with me afloat on my boat…esp some of the newer young ones who are perhaps more shy than we mature types). BUTT it’s ALSO because I deeply admire and appreciate all you guys have done. I’ve told Peter before that I hope he (and now I’ll add HIS TEAM) gets FILTHY RICH and famous if he wants it.

    Masturbation is the ULTIMATE safe sex…..and…….pssst…….the best “foreplay” on earth if you’re seeking something MORE!

  21. Thanks, me , for helping normalize masturbation as it should be. Despite how far we have come, it is just yesterday, in a very sex-positive environment, where I was criticized for being open about my masturbation. I was fortunate to be raised in a bate-positive environment so I have never dealt with shame resonant on the subject, but we still have a ways to go.

    Thanks for helping so many of us be #bateproud.

  22. My thanks and congratulations.

    I was here “day 1” after the hiatis post-BateNation. Whop knew what to expect. And here we are.
    Where would the community be were it not for you guys?

    1. Batenation! OMG, thank you for mentioning that! I too was here right away, and I made a comment about it in the forums, but couldn’t remember the name of the original!

  23. Thank you for a decade of masturbation decadence. I love my cock and you helped me to find new found love for my cock. I love to masturbate.

  24. Not happy with search results, and I’m beginning to wonder if the site should be a camming site. Seems like most guys just want to get on cam. Maybe make a dedicated site for Cam guys.

  25. No criticism here, just pure joy and a heartfelt thanks. I’ve made some lifelong friends here, and as a married guy here, provided me with an essential outlet. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

  26. I just very belatedly was drawn to Bateworld and it has been a revelation in re-activating my joy in jerking off. I feel like a new (and infinitely sexier!) man and I will never go back. What’s most remarkable is seeing such wonderful young (and beautiful!) guys getting a great early start as happy masturbators. I’m envious but I’m also making up for lost time. So if I hit you up for a cam session don’t be shy: I’m only asking if you would like to do something that I think would give you pleasure. Bait on,my brothers

  27. The best thing about Bateworld is how inclusive it is to it’s members and the diversity of the members. Thanks guys.

  28. Greetings mates! Has it really, truly been 10 years? It seems longer!

    Thank you Bateworld team for bringing us such a wonderful platform in which to express ourselfves, grow, learn and connect with men from all over the world.

    Yes, I do agree, thanks to Bateworld, many of us have connected with many interesting men, with whom we have made freindships with, bated with and learned from.

    I find that beyond ‘getting off’, Bateworld fosters a community where we can all grow, expand and improve ourselves, physically, mentally and emotionally.

    You blokes are responsible for a huge amount of ‘spilled milk’ over these 10 years.

    Here’s to many more of ‘spilling’ it together!
