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MyB8Buddy on Rituals (Bator Training Series Season 5)

myb8buddy - The Bator Blog

Good Day, Bators; 

Welcome to what I’m simply calling “The Bate Table” series (Go here for previous articles in this series) 

In the excitement of the fifth installment of the Bator Training Series covering ‘Rituals’ this season, I found interest in how such action(s) could influence a bators “penis time.” So I hope you’re naked and ready to mentally stroke this topic. 

What is a ritual? By definition,  “A ritual is a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or objects, performed according to a set sequence.” 

But that made me think of another question: What is a Ritual without first a clear goal or intention? Intentions are a “mental state in which the agent commits themselves to a course of action.” Based on those definitions, people can engage in rituals to achieve a broad set of desired outcomes. For example, this could be from reducing their anxiety, boosting their confidence, alleviating their grief, performing well in a competition, or more habitual actions such as your morning routine, working out at the gym, cooking or baking…ect. 

That’s all fine and dandy and interesting enough. But at the same time, while we all share likeness in these routines (situationally driven), they are primarily done solo, even when amongst others, if only sharing a communal area at the time. But bringing this idea back to a shared bate session via watching porn together, on a live cam, in person 1 on 1, or small group, that’s where things to me sound juicy. Haha! 


Okay, take a moment and ask yourself, What is my ritual? Does it serve a particular purpose or outcome?

Generally, we all know the desired outcome when a bator has decided to stroke their dick; I WANT TO CUM. Period. haha 

 But, of course, it could also be to edge for a set amount of hours, poppering up and gooning out with penis thoughts all day and night, or just watching many beautiful men stroke and pleasure their manhood. But bators, my question (as you can see, I have many), does your ritual change when you publicly share your bate to be witnessed or 1 on 1 with another bator? Is there a “Ritual Power exchange” that happens?

I think this is where mindfulness and bonding moments are integral, yeah? The intention of the ritual is there, but the sequence of it all is…improved? or do you and your bate buddy have shared ritual(s)? #Yummy

But honestly, this is where I struggled to clearly articulate what my bate ritual was at this moment. I still feel stuck in survival mode and in a healing transition. Dealing with some sort of post-pandemic nudist/bator social barrier. Even after taking all the proper steps to keep me and others safe and after greatly missing the personal connections and sense of brotherhood before the world shut down & reopened. I’ve found myself desiring a more dynamic companionship in my bate tribe, something still casual but topics and activities not ALL being sexual in nature.

I wanted to break and recreate the ritual we had followed for so long. Or maybe I just needed to buy more plants and get a dog. *sigh haha

But jokes aside, It made it tough to relax and reconnect with my bate circle and challenging to get past my fear of explaining this to them. I have done better with this as time and conversations happened. But Still, I’m working on that by not projecting but instead reflecting on these wants and spending time meditating and journaling. Which helps me communicate this desired new ritual and acknowledge that wanting change is okay and not figured out overnight. Can anyone relate to this “barrier”? 

I share all that to say; I’ve learned so far the intention of my ritual will constantly change, and that’s okay. Right now, my intention is to find common ground with my bate pals and have the outcome of ridding myself of all that fear of expectation. I have embraced my ability to influence the world around me by developing habits that lead to the results that I want. I’m thankful that I have enough self-awareness to understand that I have the daily opportunity & pretty awesome friends near to become a better version of myself. I now see rituals as another life tool of connection, a chance to attract everything my heart desires.

In final thought, We have mastered the art and act of our solo bate session. Most times, I guess it’s just to get a good greasy horny nut out, and that’s ALWAYS going to be fun and end goal, but could that time shared with another bator give something more than that? 

Happy Stroking, Buddy! 

Written by member MyB8Buddy

View all posts by MyB8Buddy

MyB8Buddy was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, and has always cherished the joy of connecting with others through music, outdoor adventures, and community ties. From a young age, he committed to embracing a life filled with shared self-freedom, mindfulness, and connection.

His bator journey kicked off in college when he started camming on Skype, and soon after, he attended his first in-person bate group with Cleveland Jax; this experience truly sparked his bator awakening, allowing him to meet other men with diverse bodies and penis sizes, and the rest, as they say, was greasy history.

As an individual, MyB8Buddy views being a bator as a rewarding challenge and a journey of self-discovery, helping one recognize and embrace his masculinity and sexuality, as well as the essence of male-to-male phallic connections—real-time CONNECTION, genuine CURIOSITY, and affirming CAMARADERIE.

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  1. There are ancient rituals that involve a four stage worship session. Cockworship g oes back to Egyptian times and the Romans had cockworship rituals.