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Holidays During Covid: Spending Time With Your Penis

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Updated article from 12.23.2020

As we approach another holiday a year later and yet another spike – stay healthy, get vaccinated, get boosted, and masturbate. Let’s all have the Fappiest of Holidays and an even Fappier New Year! Happy 2022, bators.

No doubt about it, 2020 has been a strange year.

Certainly much different than years past. For many, it has been a struggle financially, emotionally, and in other ways. Some people are definitely feeling it a lot more during the holidays.

Many of us have difficulty with the winter holidays under normal circumstances. The harsh weather, seasonal depression, shitty Christmas music, commercialism, and the pressure of mandatory gift giving. This year, we still have most of that, plus all the challenges of surviving a pandemic.

One of the biggest struggles for many people is the inability to spend time with family and friends. It’s good to have the comfort of community and enjoy holiday traditions. But during the age of Covid, most people will be staying home for the benefit of everyone’s health.

It can be difficult to adjust to such a significant change. But there is one solution, and you already know what it is. Your holiday cheer is right in your hand, and it doesn’t cost you anything.

Your holiday cheer is right in your hand, and it doesn’t cost you anything.

For a long time, the winter has been a season of loneliness for me. Even in the company of family and friends, I have still felt alone. As it turns out, I am actually choosing to spend the holidays by myself. The pandemic plays a significant part, but I have also found that I prefer to be alone this year. I have spent most of the year in solitude already, and I am enjoying the quality time between myself and my penis.

Some people have used their quarantine time to start new projects. When I was working from home, I started writing my book, titled “Stroking the Soul,” which is also my username on BateWorld and Twitter. I’ve been writing for a long time, but I had never taken on a project of this magnitude until the pandemic. It was the perfect time to pursue my passion project.

I also started masturbating more than I usually do. Bating is my greatest joy, and the deepest expression of my soul. I realized that, since I now have the time to do it, I might as well enjoy the fuck out of it.

So here I am, nine months later, with Christmas just a couple days away. I chose to stay home this year instead of visiting family. I can have my food, fun, and phallus right here without having to leave the house. I am content with this decision.

I also decided to try something different and abstain from ejaculating until Christmas. I started this on the 20th. I am saving up my erotic energy until the grand finale. It is indeed going to be a very festive celebration. It is my own ritual to honor the phallic gods and cast my magical intentions as I approach the new year. I might even repeat the ritual on New Year’s Day.

The winter holidays don’t have to be dreary and lonely. It’s the perfect time to practice self-love and explore the depths of your masturbation. Jerk off as much or as little as you want. Try something new. Take yourself on a solo sleigh ride and jingle your own bells. Self-pleasure is your greatest gift. What better package to unwrap than your own? The weather outside is frightful, but your penis is so delightful. Make it a white Christmas to remember.

Merry Batemas, brothers.

Go here for more articles by Stroking The Soul

Follow him on Twitter @StrokingtheSoul

Head over to Bateworld’s Twitter and Instagram or the Community Page for all things Batemas. Some of the best masturbation toys to gift yourself or a bate bud and your penis this holiday!





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Anthony Ragonese (Brother Antonello) is the founder of the Fraternity of Autoerotic Phallicism (FAP) and the author of the upcoming book, “Stroking the Soul.” He is a proud and avid member of Bateworld.

A self-proclaimed Cockmonger and Witch of Wankery, his interests and passions include sacred bodywork, self-love, body positivity, erotic spirituality, and sex magic. He is also a poet as well as pursuing other creative endeavors.

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  1. I agree, it’s yet another crazy year and I too deal with the “winter doldrums” a time of cooler weather & shorter days.

    Many of us have difficulty with the winter holidays under normal circumstances. The harsh weather, seasonal depression, shitty Christmas music, commercialism, and the pressure of mandatory gift giving. This year, we still have most of that, plus all the challenges of surviving a pandemic.

  2. Beautiful thoughts and suggestions.

    One other thought that warms the heart is that at this time of year, young people around the world will be discovering masturbation for the first time, AND couples will be sharing masturbation for the first time.

    Happy Holidays!