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Bator Terminology II: Albolene & VHS Head Cleaners


More Bator Terms (This Time ‘Items’ You Should Own) For Your Bate Arsenal

If you’re new to the bator community, there will no doubt be some unfamiliar terms that pop up while you’re making all your new penis friends. But never fear: We are here to make sure you don’t have to interrupt the up-and-down to educate yourself.

I started off with Edging and Cum Denial which you can read here. Today we’re going to talk about some basic bator favorites: Albolene and Poppers AKA “VHS Head Cleaners”


When I first joined BateWorld and started connecting with other masturbators, I had never heard of Albolene, commonly referred to just as “Albo.” Sure, I could see the signature white tub with the blue lid in a lot of bate vids, and I could surmise that guys were using this greasy white substance as lube for a bate session. But surely I didn’t need it, right?

Well…if enough people like something, there’s usually a reason. You know why pizza is most people’s favorite food? Because it’s fucking delicious. You know why people like to orgasm? Because it feels incredible. So when I really thought about it, I realized I needed to try every bator’s favorite lube for myself.

Let me tell you, bators, it is a revelation.

Albolene is sold in most drugstores as a makeup remover. I easily found it at my local pharmacy, ponied up the cash, and hurried home to pull down my pants and give this Albo a trial run. And let me tell you, bators, it is a revelation. It lasts a long time, it provides just the right amount of grease and friction, and it feels amazing. It really is the perfect lube if you’re planning on beating your meat for an extended session. The only downside is that it can be a little messy. If you’re surfing porn on any device, it will get insanely greasy, and definitely make sure you’re sitting on a towel on any even halfway decent furniture. But wow your penis will feel amazing.

And just as there are some strange people who don’t like pizza, there are certainly plenty of bators that don’t like Albo. The most popular substitute for dedicated boner-beaters is coconut oil, which I also highly recommend. It’s easily available, it’s easier to clean up, plus it tastes great if you’re a guy who likes to lap up his precum while he’s in the bate zone.


(alkyl nitrites that are inhaled. Most widely sold products include the original isoamyl nitrite or isopentyl nitrite, and isopropyl nitrite.)

Call me a late bloomer, but I was in my 40s when I got deeply involved in the bate community, and I had never tried head cleaners. Perhaps even more surprising, I didn’t even really know what they were or why anyone would do them. And yet, like it or not, they seemed to be a part of the bate life for lots of guys I was meeting, so…what the heck are they and why do so many bators love them?

For a quick rundown of what they are, usage, safety, and effects you can read more about that HERE.

Quick disclaimer: I am in no way recommending that anyone do them. I mean, this is a substance known as Poppers “Solvents” that is sold as “VHS Head Cleaner” or “Room Odorizer,” so clearly it’s not healthy for you to sniff into your lungs. I’m just here to tell you why people like them if you’ve never tried them before.

To use , which can be bought on-line or in person in many sex shops or even in bodegas in many big cities, is to open the bottle (which makes a “pop” sound, hence the name) and take a sniff of it through your nose. Shortly after you take a huff, your heart rate will increase, your body will relax, your skin will probably flush a bit, and you’ll feel a real heady rush. The effects last a very short time, generally only a minute to two minutes. (Do I need to point out that you should not get them directly on your skin or ingest the actual liquid into your body? Never do that.) Users then put the top back on the bottle between huffs so the liquid doesn’t evaporate. When you’re not using them, they are best kept in the freezer or fridge to avoid losing potency.

Now what’s this got to do with masturbating? Well the first time I took a huff, I immediately just couldn’t believe how good stroking my erection felt. I didn’t need porn anymore because wow my cock was just so freaking beautiful. I just stared at it, stroked it, squeezed it, and literally moaned in pleasure because I was so deeply in love with my cock and how it made me feel. Head-cleaners took me to a very deep place in my bate session that I didn’t know existed.

The first time I took a huff, I immediately just couldn’t believe how good stroking my erection felt.

I use them very infrequently. But even if I never use them again, they showed me a level of masturbation I’d never reached before. I can certainly capture that feeling now without the aid or any substances. But like most drugs, people wouldn’t use them if they weren’t at least a little bit fun.

For more articles by BateWorld member and author Digg, go here.

For More Bator Terminology:

Bator Terminology: Edging & Cum Denial


View all posts by Digg

Digg divides his time between New York, NY and a small rural town in New England. When he’s not busy masturbating, he’s usually reading, running, or playing video games. He enjoys meeting bators of all kinds, and he hopes you enjoy his contributions to this blog. Join him on

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  1. I remember when I first tired Albo. I’d seen guys using it on hypno-bating videos and Chaturbate. I haven’t dipped into it in quite some time.

  2. I learned about Albolene after joining BateWorld ten years ago. I saw so many bators using it that I had to give it a try. Up to that time, my lube of choice was Elbow Grease Original. Then I tried Albo and have never used anything else since. In fact, I just got a brand-new new jar for No Nut November 2021.

  3. You got the derivation of the word “poppers” wrong.
    The original (and less headache-inducing) amyl nitrite was a chemical encased in little glass ampules (small hot-dog shaped glass tubes) which were wrapped in a protective cloth covering. The original medical use was for heart disease patients in case of angina or heart attack. The protective cloth was often yellow and they came in little boxes of 10. In order not to waste them, you could quickly insert them into an empty nasal inhaler and screw on the cap, keeping the treasured chemical inside for further use.
    To use them, you would take one of the ampules, squeeze it between your fingers, and the ampule would break open with a “pop” sound. Hence the name.
    The stuff in the brown bottles is a related chemical iso-butyl nitrite.

    1. Thank you for clarifying this. I know this to be true (even Lucille Ball was known to use them), but have never bothered to comment when people get the derivation of the name “poppers” wrong.

  4. I agree that Albo is the best lube to use on your cock if you are going to masturbate for a descent amount of time. I used to jerk off with no lube and I would be on my dick for a couple of hours. By the time I chose to spew my load, the top side of my erect cock shaft would be almost raw. I would jerk off with two fingers on the underside of my erection with my thumb on the top side of my shaft. Although I would bring my cum right to the “edge”, it wouldn’t take a lot to rub my cum out. But after a couple of hours of edging, my cock would be rubbed raw. I saw an ad for Alboline on here and now I never jerk off without it. I masturbate everyday (like right now) and I start with a small amount of Albo on my dick. What I like about Alboline is that when my precum mixes with it, it gets nice and lubed without getting too messy. Sometimes baby lotion would get my cock too creamy and it wouldn’t last too long.

    What you have to watch out for is that Alboline may stain some clothes, permanently. I jerk off a lot outdoors and unless I rub all of the Albo off of my cock, when I pull my pants up, there is usually a grease stain where my dick is. Sometimes I like exposing that fact, but most of the time, I try to not stain my shorts or pants. It all depends on the type of fabric you are shedding when you choose to masturbate with Albo.

  5. I used Albo for probably 6 months or so and it was pretty good. But it does break down after some time and you need to scoop out some more to coat your dick. Instead, I found this amazing stuff on Amazon called “Shibari” personal lubricant and, wow, it makes the hand or toy slide well, and a tiny bit lasts a LOOOOONG time. I rarely need more than one dime-sized squirt on my dick for a whole session. And it’s mildly sweet to boot, so if you use it on your bud, sucking his dick is tasty and it really makes it slippery too. They have multiple sizes, and the largest size has a pump top. I did that once and it lasted nearly 3 years with a minimum of once-a-day bate session. Now I get the smallest one and it lasts 4-6 months. Highly recommended, give it a try, your dick will thank you by spitting at you. 🙂

  6. Great article. Just one clarification. The reason they are called poppers is because the original formulation was sold in small glass ampules. The user would crack (or “pop”) an ampule to release the fumes.

  7. Ignore my last comment. I just saw that someone else already clarified the origination of the poppers.