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What Does “Watching Porn” Even Mean?

It’s time we talk directly about masturbation as masturbation, the way images are incorporated into our masturbatory expression with a sense of playful exploration of what we find sexually appealing. People need to be called out to stop the euphemisms and speak directly about the subject before we can take the discussion seriously.


There's a robust library of documentary titles on Netflix right now that music lovers like me (or those who are simply curious) might enjoy. Ranging from live concert footage to detailed visual histories, there's more than enough for any taste. Here are just a few I've checked out.

Big Love: Pee-wee’s Big Holiday

Pee-wee agrees to meet his new-found friend Joe Manganiello (played by Joe Manganiello) at the actor's birthday party in New York City, forcing Pee-wee to leave the comfortable confines of his friendly, all-American hometown Fairville.