We’ve wanted to spotlight artists in the BateWorld community forever. This is just the beginning of more to come, and we’re crazy excited to provide a platform for multitalented artists of all sexualities and backgrounds. We’re blasting off this erotic artist spotlight with BateWorld member CRABRANGOONER (he should seriously copyright his username!) AKA The Pencil Dick.
“The Pencil Dick” Found Me
I’m 37, I now live in Chicago, and I started drawing on my birthday in February of 2022. Around that time, I was going through a big identity crisis and struggled with constant anxiety. For my birthday, one of the gifts my boyfriend got me was a set of graphite pencils and paper, which he suggested I try out as a way of relaxing.

I sat at my kitchen table that night and stared at the blank page. Up until that point, I had only really made artwork as a young child, aside from some rudimentary doodles in notebooks. I asked myself “What do you like?”, and committed to drawing an erect penis, go figure. I sketched out the shape and started to shade it in, and before I knew it, there was a surprisingly realistic-looking penis on the page. I was instantly fascinated and wondered what else I could do if I focused and pushed myself a little further.
In a state of hyperfixation, I began pushing myself to draw more intricate and detailed drawings with each attempt. As a way to gauge my progress, I continued primarily drawing penises as my subject. It helped that I was already fascinated and attracted to the subject matter, of course, but I rarely saw art where the penis was depicted in such great detail.
I started sharing my art online under the moniker “The Pencil Dick,” built up a small following, and networked with a wonderful community of queer artists across the country and world. Soon enough, I had men reaching out, wanting to buy prints or even commission penis portraits.

I think there is a two-fold allure to the commissions: You get to immortalize your penis in an artistic interpretation, but you also get to enjoy the fact that I’m studying every detail of your penis up close—probably in ways most people haven’t!
Influenced By Nature, Psychedelics, And Perception
Most of my art focuses on the crossover of nature and sexuality. Veins and creases become mountains and rivers, forming beautiful landscapes.
Plants grow from the jungles of pubic hair, and roots buried deep connect and network separate organisms. I’ve always found it fascinating that the macroworld and microworld mimic each other, and humans are not exempt from these universal patterns. I tend to accentuate veins and focus on the depth and curvature to illustrate the similarities. There’s endless beauty in those small details if you stop and take the time to perceive them.

It’s clear to see the influence of psychedelics in my art, as they had a profound effect on my own perception of myself and the world. It’s beautiful that the same organisms that allow forests to communicate via the mycelium network also provide a means for humans to connect with nature and biology on a spiritual level.
Art As An “AHA!” Moment
When I tell people I started drawing last year, it usually comes as a surprise, especially to other artists who understand how much practice goes into the craft. I’ve played piano since I was a kid, and I thought that was my sole artistic outlet. However, I always felt like there was a piece of the puzzle missing, yet I had no idea what it was or how I could tap into it.
When I started drawing, it was an “aha” moment that burst open the floodgates. I transformed in a multitude of ways: my clothes started to get bolder and brighter, I grew my hair into a curly mullet, I hit the gym regularly and took up running, my social anxiety melted away, I left my longtime job and moved to a big city, but most of all, I started feeling an authenticity that hadn’t been there before. This wasn’t a “new” me, but rather a “real” me that had been desperate to have a voice.
It’s cliche to say that art saved me, but I don’t really have any other way of seeing it.
Follow + Support The Pencil Dick
Follow him on bateworld.com
Prints can be ordered via his Etsy shop at: https://thepencildick.etsy.com
Follow him on IG: https://www.instagram.com/thepencildick/
For commissions inquiries, email: [email protected]

Are you an artist? Filmmaker? Poet? Musician? Is your art male-centric, erotic, and bate related? We’re interested in your original artwork and would love to feature those that fit our niche. Send us an email ([email protected]) with your website, social, or links to your work, and we’ll give it a look.
This is a fabulous series featuring BW artists! There are many ways to celebrate our erotic nature and art is one of my favorites. I do hope more guys “show us their stuff”!
Where do you meet and what time, I have never none this before but I always think about doing this with other men
The realism’s phenomenal! I can almost taste that precum! Fantastic job, crabrangooner!
I’ve been looking for homoerotic art to decorate my home and add a “homo” touch, and I am thankful I came across this post. Just purchase the “backroom” portrait and I am excited for its arrival!
Amazing work! Want some of these for my masturbatorium / studio once I get it built out!
Absolutely stunning. I can get inspiration from these drawings.
I would love to join your group and have a great realase
Please let me know where and when, I would love to join you and others
Wow thank you everyone for your kind words! Just an FYI – my username changed so the link doesn’t work anymore, but you can find me as VincentVanGoon on BW now!