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Calling in the Directions… of Cock!

Sexperiential Lessons By A Bating Sexologist

Cock Summit 2I’ve just returned from the second Cock Summit which was another amazing success (tell you all about it in the forthcoming article). On Saturday night, we had a bonfire and to start it off, we wanted to enact the ancient ritual of calling in the directions. Some rituals call in the four directions (north, south, east, west), while I like to call in the seven directions (including above, below, and center). It’s a way to cast a spell of inclusion and blessing and possibility. Sure, it’s really woo-woo and faerie-like, but it’s a bonfire under the stars with a bunch guys with their dicks out. Calling in the Directions is a lot more aligned with our experience than singing “Kumbaya.”

The problem is, when I searched for just the right reading of the Directions, I could not find a really good one that encompassed our particular experience… (call me picky, or…) Call me creative, I reimagined a set of directions for our bating selves! So if you want to use these directions in your own cock worship, or with a group of cock lovers who are about to dive into an adventure, stand in the appropriate direction and read out loud the following:

1. We call to and welcome the energies, the creatures, and the characteristics of the EAST
The East seems like nothing at first, quiet, lighter than air, the silence before the big bang of creation. Then on the horizon, just as the first rays of sunlight break open the sky, we hear the flapping of thousands of wings, and it arouses us. It inspires us to hope for more. We see the flocks now, hundreds of winged phalluses flitting and dancing across the sky, images, and idols of ancient histories when the cock was worshipped as a deity. They engage and play with us as the full glory of the sun exposes us all. Our cocks are hard, erect and ready for an another day. No more ruts. Change up the routine. Wind fills our sails and our wings. With gratitude our cocks point… TO THE EAST!

(Everyone hollers: The East!)

2. We call to and welcome the energies, the creatures, and the characteristics of the WEST
Turning our gaze to the West, we are flooded with all kinds of emotions. Yet, as Beings made up mostly of water, we are right at home with the eternal movement of fluids, the bumpy road of cold ice, and the ephemeral dance of steam. Indeed there is no life without water, and what is living without emotions? Our serpent is skilled in maneuvering through all of our inner diversities, riding along the surface like a dolphin, diving into the dark depths like a whale, surfing the whitewater torrents like a trout, and even reflecting in a calm lagoon as still as death like the observant toad. All of these aspects have their place, and even attempting to damn them up cannot stop their ability to find an avenue of expression. Embrace the cleansing and healing power of our full emotional potency. Our snake enjoys the ebb and flow of… THE WEST!

(Everyone hollers: The West!)

3. We call to and welcome the energies, the creatures, and the characteristics of the NORTHThe Northlands us smack-dab at the top of the planet. The crazy thing is our feet right now are standing on the very same planet, the very same land, the very same earth that has a direct connection to the very top. Therefore, the cock bone’s connected to the crotch bone. The crotch bone is connected to the torso bones, which is connected to the body, which is connected to the mind which is connected to the heart which is connected to the legs which is connected to the ground which is connected to the world which is connected to everyone, which is connected to everything which is connected to the universe! Don’t forget that we have access to all of it, past present and future. There is nothing lacking. We stand on an exceedingly abundant world that can sustain us. The foundational wisdom of the ages and from our ancestors is at our fingertips, and the very same hands, give love, wisdom, health, and attention to our dicks. Our cock’s foundation is… IN THE NORTH!

(Everyone hollers: The North!)

4. We call to and welcome the energies, the creatures, and the characteristics of the SOUTH

By now the momentum is building from red ambers deep down inside. Our passion and courage are reaching critical mass, and the South shall ignite the spark of powerful activity, movement and accomplishment. Now our dragon surrounds us with the flames of strength, and it sucks on its tail, so there is no beginning and no end to its protection. And when we get the blood moving, and our conviction can not rage any hotter, the volcano erupts, exploding out the old, purifying us and making room for the new. Find your ultimate orgasm… TO THE SOUTH!

(Everyone hollers: The South!)

5. We call to and welcome the energies, the creatures, and the characteristics from the Realms BELOW

If you really want to know what’s down there in the dark below, you’ll have to get on your knees. Choke it down. Dig in the dirt. Unearth the long-forgotten sacred marble phallus that once was the celebrated savior of our ancestors. Remember what it was like to be an animal, to grow fur, to eat raw food, to be wild, to be filthy. Wallow in the mud, lil’ piggy. Of course, a cock is often soft, but it might also be pointing us to the dirtiest place of all, the anus, the prostate – where outstanding pleasure is found by spelunking. To be sure, your dick has a dark side, but it is certainly not altogether bad. And it can be found… BELOW!

(Everyone hollers: BELOW!)

6. We call to and welcome the energies, the creatures, and the characteristics from the Realms ABOVE

Beyond our 5 senses and above the 4 elements we acknowledge the mysteries above our understanding. Indeed, the more we experience, the more we discover the unlimited potential for more understanding. What will we find above and around us, in space, in orbit, in dimensions, in different layers of life, aliens, travelers, spirit guides, angels, abstractions that defy meaning, of which we only begin to barely understand? If our minds can grasp these limitless possibilities, then our dicks deserve the same potential for possibilities too. Whose to say the cure for cancer or the key to eternal life is found at the height of a 24-hour orgasm? That research has yet to be conducted. Don’t sell your penis short. Under the watchful eye of who knows who’s out there, guide us into survival, and pleasure, and health and ecstasy. Our cocks point to the sky to the unknown Realms… ABOVE!

(Everyone hollers: ABOVE!)

7. We call to and welcome the energies, the creatures, and the characteristics of THE SACRED CENTER NOW

The intersection of all these directions, the intersection of our existence is the funnel of now. We are showing up for maximum awareness. At the center of who we are is the powerful funnel of our phallus! Attending to its throbbing incantations balances all the aspects of our existence. Devoting all our attention, and energy, and focus – is it any wonder we feel such wholeness pleasuring our cocks? With every stroke, we are saying I choose pleasure. I choose taking care of myself in the most fundamental way. I choose to be present in connecting and nurturing other cocks. I choose the power of completeness. I choose to be healthy. I choose the timelessness of ecstasy – with every orgasm, with every stroke, over and over and over again. I am present now. I am present now. I am present now. Our time together as brothers, as bators is… NOW!

(Everyone hollers: NOW!)

2017 copyright Dr. Jallen Rix, used with permission.


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  1. Great article, and a wonderful synthesis with tradition for use in group bate ritual NOW! I don’t know if you remember, Jallen, but I seem to recall meeting you long ago at Short Mountain Sanctuary in Tennessee. Am I correct? It probably would have been around the turn of the Millennium. Anyway, Peace, — BPG

    1. Yes Bruce, we have met before, and probably at a gathering, but hard for me to say when since I’ve been going to SMS now for over 20 years. I love your work. Peace brother!