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Penis Pumps: Are They Worth The Money?

Penis Pumps

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The simple answer is, that depends on the man and the penis.

One thing a penis pump can do is help get you hard. In fact, doctors can and do prescribe penis pumps as a treatment for patients suffering from erectile dysfunction. The main drawback, according to the American Urological Association 1, is “low patient acceptability”.

If you’re looking to add “permanent” girth and length to your penis, then a penis pump is probably not going to do the trick. In a medical literature study conducted by Oderda, M. and Gontero 2, no evidence was found to indicate the use of penis pumps resulted in permanent penile lengthening. A pump can get you hard, but it can’t get you 10 when nature handed you 5.

Penis pumps do provide a temporary increase in penis length and girth. For some men, this is more than enough reason to buy a pump. It makes them feel better and can enhance their sense of self-confidence and worth.

How Penis Pumps Work

A penis pump is a fairly simple device consisting of a cylinder with a seal, a pump, and a release valve. You place your penis in the cylinder and use the pump to force air out of the cylinder creating a partial vacuum. The pressure differential forces the blood to flow into the penis and you end up with an erection. To sustain the erection for longer periods of time, a cock ring is used to constrict the blood from flowing out of the penis once the vacuum is released.

A quick release valve is an essential component on any penis pump. The release valve is a safety feature particularly useful if you over-pump. Improper use of a penis pump, particularly over-pumping, can result in injury to the penis 3. The valve also facilitates easy removable of your penis from the pumps cylinder.

Common options include pressure gauges and motor driven pumps. Pressure gauges provide fine tune control over the vacuum in the cylinder, especially when combined with a secondary adjustable pressure value. The ability to monitor pressure can reduce over-pumping and the potential for injury.

Motorized pumps, which can be a fairly expensive addition, are either integrated into the cylinder or come as stand alone units. They provide push button simplicity and eliminate the hand finger coordination required to operate a manual pump.

How Much You Can Expect To Pay

Prices vary widely from $20 to several hundred dollars. Prescription pumps tend to cost more than off-the-shelf models. Options like motorized pumps and pressure guages can add to the price. All said, a budget of $100 should be adequate for the purchase of a reasonably high quality pump.

Whether you looking for a surge in Mojo or just trying to get a hard-on, pumping your dick up is a real option. Penis pumps can make you feel better and enhance your experience of sexuality. They’re relatively inexpensive and safe when used properly. Is a penis pump right for you? Well, all you can do it buy one and find out.


1. The Management of Erectile Dysfunction (2005). American Urological Association. Retrieved 15 March, 2015.

2. Oderda, M. and Gontero, P. (2011), Non-invasive methods of penile lengthening: fact or fiction?. BJU International, 107: 1278–1282. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2010.09647.x

3. Penis Pump Risks. Mayo Clinic. Retrieve 10 March, 2015.

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  1. Enjoy this article for its simplicity and stark truth.
    I actually posted a poll in Bateworld about penis pumps. I wanted to know about their efficacy in producing permanent penile growth and what pumps were worth the money.
    The answers as to their effectiveness and what to buy were as varied as the guys posting comments!
    In short, I still have not bought one, and what I’ve seen at porn shops and adult stores fall short on quality these days. Anything with too many plastic parts is unlikely to last long for serious pumpers, but may a good, inexpensive foray for beginners. Just like anything in life it seems, moderation is the key, otherwise your over-enthusiasm could lead to unintended consequences…like a broken penis! 🙁
    For most of the hard-core pumpers, they may actually see results because they’re using their pumps daily. If they probably stopped for a month or so, most likely their cocks will return to whatever state they were born with?
    I’d still be open to hearing what some pumpers have to say about their experiences, and whether they’ve actually, truthfully saw any significant change in the size or shape of their dicks, especially after “ceasing operations” for an extended period.
    Thanks for this blog spot, by the way!

    1. I have been restoring my foreskin for the past 4 years and have been using a combination of penis pump, T-taping, and using a DTR. I have made a lot of progress and the progress is permanent. I have not gotten a longer or thicker penis, but the new foreskin is here to stay.

      1. I’ve done Jelqe exercises. I do 50 and rest 2 minutes – repeat – up to 500 and did get thicker…a little longer and precum a lot now…BUT the foreskin treatment is getting checked out by me for sure – thanks

    2. Hi; I would call myself a semi regular pumper, I have had a pump of one type or another for more than 20 years. Here is my embellished stats; I think my natural size was 6 & 1/2 inches. I am now an honest 7 & 1/2 inches. My wife is not aware of my pumping, and with the exception of this forum, I don’t advertise my pump use. I have gone many months, at times, without pumping and have always maintained this size, varying a quarter inch either way. (There was a thickness gain as well as length).
      I have had periods of enthusiastic pumping, when I was determined to hit the “8 inch club” and was, at my best, 8 & 1/4 inches. This would take somewhat more regular pumping to maintain.
      The results are not spectacular, and I have seen the results of impatient pumpers, particularly in tranny porn, where the cock is large and has a distorted appearance. I have found too, that excessive pumping results in a reduction of cock hardness, immediately following the pump session.
      In summary, I am happy to be 7 & 1/2 inches and that extra one inch, I believe is definitely felt by my wife’s pussy. My cock, particularly in the semi-erect state, has caught the attention of more than a few eyes, over the years, in open steam room showers etc.

      1. can you tell me which pump u like using. i am new to this and would only take advice from someone with expwrience. i think 20yrs would qualify as experience.

  2. One thing I figured out is over an extended period of time of regular use my skin stretched so i now appear to have some foreskin when before I started I was cut tight and had no lose skin. I really like having skin covering the glans now when soft as it helps regain some of the lost sensitivity over the years.

  3. mine 2years ago. It’s true it takes time and patients, and control. My cock gain some girth and it opened up blood cells . And my balls really stretched. 10 inches . But it’s about time ,patients and control.

  4. I have seen permanent growth in the size of my testicles from pumping them.
    They now are slightly larger than a tennis ball; and hang real low when they heat up.
    I love the fullness and weight of them as I carry them around all day.
    The growth in my penis size seems to slowly diminish over time, so a regular pumping schedule
    probably should be adhered to if you want to keep up your size most all the time.
    Don’t overpump or use to much pressure, to avoid that disfigured look.
    Slow and steady is the way to go with pumping

  5. Ive been pumping on and off for over 15 years now. I have only made slight gains in size, though that’s not why I pump. I absolutely love the feeling pumping gives me. And when youre on poppers and are tubestroking, the feeling is unbelievably intense – as though youre constantly on the “edge” I have both a manual and an electric pump and both have brought me uncountable hours of intense pleasure. So, would I recommend pumping – YES! [but not for size increases]

  6. I,ve experimented with a variety cylinders and pumping, but found I could not help reach the point of fluid puffiness under the skin (the reaction due to the vacuum). There is a name for it and it’s going to happen if you don’t control the intensity of your session. Did not see the immediate results as I have the solution below.

    I know the objective is size increase, but we also like fhe temporary enlargement and pleasure of hanging large.

    The proper diameter and thick width stainless cock ring will get you larger and keep you there. Plus you get to enjoy yourself stroking whatever lotion (prererably a landline like, deep moisturing balm) into your member to expand and stretch it to its fullest size. The trick is to find the most comfortable diameter that will keep you full mast erect or engorged, even with hands off for 5 minutes. That way the session goes on like an extended masturbation session, instead of a work routine – no touching with tubes.

    I have certainly experienced an increase in girth, and length has returned back from my 20’s. But of course, this all works under the use it or loose it paradigm.

    So, I have