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Ask The Batemaster: Jacking and Winning

…Semen retention in the long run, or at least edging until after the event, helps some athletes feel energized, charged up, and at their peak.

QUESTION: I’ve won some decent medals for track as a university athlete. I exercise daily and masturbate a lot too. During the time before a meet I masturbate as much as possible, but don’t let myself come until after the competition. Whether I win the race or not, then I shoot like a champ! Do you think that helps me win?

RESPONSE: This is a great topic, about whether masturbating to ejaculation before a sports event helps an athlete’s performance or hurts it! There is not a simple yes/no answer to this, however. Different athletes report opposite experiences with the issue, and various factors are involved. I’ve encountered athletes who swear that they do best by ejaculating shortly before an event or competition. They maintain that this helps clear their head of distractions with such matters as other attractive athletes, or simple desire to masturbate more than to compete.

On the other hand, semen retention in the long run, or at least edging until after the event, helps some athletes feel energized, charged up, and at their peak.

Several specifics may be involved. You may do best on the mix of brain chemicals and hormones that peak during edging, and that may drop to a lower baseline after you ejaculate. You may also motivate yourself with the blissful reward of a great ejaculatory orgasm as your reward for finishing, whether or not you win the actual competition. In that sense, you win either way.

I know of athletes with both major variations of this strategy. Being in good shape enhances erotic energy overall, so I’m sure that most athletes consider the issue quite important. Everyone is sexual. But the way in which your masturbatory practice influences athletic performance clearly varies. Any athlete probably has to determine by experiment which of the two major options works best for him.

Personally, I practice semen retention most of the time. I’m not an athlete, though I do exercise regularly for my health and well-being. I find that choosing not to ejaculate very often keeps me feeling more energized, more on top of things, at the same time more relaxed. Perhaps because I don’t ejaculate often, when I do, I feel a significant energy drop. At my age of 65, basically healthy, it takes me about a day to recover my full libido.

Sometimes when I do ejaculate, I notice it helps me to shift my attention from just wanting to masturbate more, to other things I may want to focus on… just for a while! But I tend to feel a bit let down and low energy. What works best for you or me may not be best for someone else.

Anyway, my congratulations on your medals! Go dude!

A note from The Batemaster: I’m honored that the guys at Bateworld have asked me to respond to some questions from male masturbators around the world every week.

Always check with your doctor about any issues you might be experiencing with your sexual organs. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important. This article’s purpose is to inform and entertain readers and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.

View all posts by The Batemaster (Bruce P. Grether)

How Bruce P. Grether became the Batemaster

Among his earliest memories, Bruce recalls seeing an adult man’s penis swing about anchored in a nest of curly brown hairs when the man was changing clothes. That penis fascinated him and he somehow knew it was of major importance. He also remembers how good it felt to slide down a stairway banister or to climb a tree with pressure between his legs sending delicious sensations all through his body.

At an early age, he played doctor with another boy his age, and the frottage he enjoyed as they rubbed their penises together made him feel One with All Things.

He was older, maybe 9 or 10 years when he figured out how to actually masturbate while taking a shower. Immediately Bruce became a fan of self-pleasure, though, with puberty, he became extremely shy about his body being seen. Still, when his pubic hair sprouted and his penis grew bigger, it astonished him how incredible the sensations could feel with adult genitalia.

All through his 20s and 30s Bruce loved masturbating and did it often. Something kept tell him though, that there could be more to it. None of the books he read about Tantra and Taoist erotic cultivation provided simple how-to instructions. Finally, in his early 40s, he came upon Joseph Kramer’s video about male genital massage: FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN.

Having no playmates to try this with, he tried it on himself. In the process, he discovered what he soon named “Mindful Masturbation.” For 6 weeks he masturbated for hours every day, and did not ejaculate once! This was the Penis Paradise he had been looking for since his adventures playing doctor as a young boy. He was changed forever and lost most of his shyness and insecurities.

Bruce began to listen deeply to whatever his penis told him. This way he learned more and more about male masturbation, the penis, and he studied human sexuality. Soon he was hired to write professionally for the sex education site JackinWorld (dot) com, which he did for some years under the name “Bruce McFarland.”

Since then, his erotic activism is more radical and he uses his actual given name: Bruce P. Grether, AKA the Batemaster. He has hosted workshops and now does online masturbation coaching. In 2012 his best-selling book THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN PHALLUS was published and with his handsome young friend Blue Tyger he created the Erotic Engineering site to explore advanced male self-pleasure practices.

Bruce considers himself a Missionary of the Male Mysteries and his work continues.

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  1. The key thing is listening to our bodies and following that wisdom.

    My own 77 yo body seems to have similar energetics to Bruce’s – perhaps that’s why I’ve learned so much from him?

  2. I’ve been doing semen retention for years. Only cuming about once a month and them some…… I train 3x week regularly and find that it gives me so much more energy not only for training but for anything else I’ll do around the house.I masturbate every day but I don’t cum . and feel so much better. On the day that I do cum I feel sort of down and it’ll take me day or 2 to get back on top and its a feeling that I don’t like.I’m a very positive man and bating every day and retaining semen is what does it for me.