Among the core factors, actually, is to be sure not to ignore your testicles.
QUESTION: I love my balls! Not necessarily more than my penis, I guess, but just as much in some ways. They are a really BIG part of my bate pleasure! (Yeah, they ARE quite large and hang heavy in a nice crinkly pouch of soft skin.) Is this usual?
RESPONSE: Thank you for an excellent reminder of a major part of masturbatory excellence for males! Among the core factors, actually, is to be sure not to ignore your testicles. These roughly egg-shaped or bean-shaped organs usually hang in a highly elastic sac of soft skin you call your scrotum, and within these ovoids are manufactured your sperm cells. Contrary to common misconceptions, your ejaculate does not shoot out directly from your balls, however.
On the microscopic scale of your spermatozoa, or sperm cells, the trip from within the testicles up into your lower body, this journey from balls to a sort of sperm “motel” within your body, behind the base of your penis, is a long, long journey that requires some time. Thus, when you ejaculate several times in the course of a day, the later ejaculations likely contain fewer actual sperm cells among the other components of this marvelous substance—your semen. Those other elements originate closer to the “launch pad,” for example from the prostate and the Cowper’s gland that produces what is commonly called precum.
Still, perhaps most important of all is to welcome your balls consciously into the scope of your masturbation practice as collaborators with your pure penis pleasure, to contribute further dimensions of bate bliss, and to add to your fund of exquisite sensations while you masturbate.
There are plenty of specific ways you can stimulate your balls as part of your penis-focused masturbation practice. “Neck off” your balls in the stretched skin of the scrotum with forefinger and thumb, pulled somewhat away from the body. Thus, the stretched scrotal skin becomes more available to the tip-ends of your fingernails, for tickling and gentle scratching.
Separate your testicles within your scrotum, use forefinger and thumb to push the ovoids apart, and press skin from the two sides of the pouch together between the testicles. If you have unshaven balls, gently pluck on the hairs of the scrotal surface skin. Pay full attention to the sensations you feel in your balls, and also take pleasure in how your fingers can enjoy and appreciate the delicate, exquisite textures of your scrotal skin. Tap them gently, rapidly. Also enjoy sliding the orbs around back and forth, up and down within the skin. Bend over and grab your balls from behind, while you continue to masturbate your penis with the other hand.
Get in front of a large wall mirror and face it with your back. Look over your shoulder and see your naked body from behind. Bend over, pull your butt cheeks apart, and inspect your balls from behind, as they dangle there, and observe your anus. Use a hand mirror to observe the backside of your scrotum up close.
Contract your anus while you breathe IN; Relax your anal sphincter while you breathe OUT. Anal breathing is always an excellent adjunct for masturbating while you do it, and you can feel it where your scrotum attaches to your torso between your legs.
A note from The Batemaster: I’m honored that the guys at Bateworld have asked me to respond to some questions from male masturbators around the world every week.
Always check with your doctor about any issues you might be experiencing with your sexual organs. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important. This article’s purpose is to inform and entertain readers and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.<
I created a poll asking whether anyone else experienced having one’s balls “edged”. This isn’t something most men get, given how sensitive they are. But I don’t think my nuts are any tougher than anyone else’s. And once you have a skillful “master” look after you, I can ascertain that one’s balls indeed CAN be edged. The physical experience is very similar and intense.
I suppose I may have a higher tolerance for “pain” there, but its the ability to push thru that “pain” and get on the other side of it that allows you to ride the edging. A talented ball master can rise you up, bring you down, and cycle you thru intense pleasure, just with the sophisticated manipulation of your gonads. I always end up screaming in agony… yet love the “pain”. Yet it’s actually hard to call it pain.
Just like edging your cock, one can’t get enough. This can go on indefinitely for me. I never get enough. It’s rare I will get to a point of saying “no more”. A good ball edger will be able to judge your limitations and play you like a fine tuned fiddle. Rise and fall. Lose control. It is an awesome experience.
Yes! What you describe is still kind of a speciality in today’s world, but perhaps one major reason for this is that pure penis pleasure is a lot more obvious, better known, and many men (to be honest) get very habituated to a certain range of options during their teens and never venture far from it. This is why erotic mindfulness, paying full attention to your own body, here and now, can revolutionize your experience. Indeed, the balls can be stimulated, intensely enjoyed and edged. Possibly all that needs to happen for this to become a more common experience is for men to open their minds and try it… plus, perhaps a training school for Ball Masters would help?!
Hey Bruce.
You’ve hit the nail on the head. So many of us don’t venture outside of our stand-by activities. Perhaps this is something that comes with maturity? as I find older men tend to be (generally speaking) far more apt to experimentation. This gives me inspiration for a poll. Thanks!
I also like the sound of a Ball Masters camp. Now you’ve also given me inspiration for a blog! Stay tuned. 😉
Double thanks!
Yes, double thanks back–double thanks that hang at slightly different heights within a soft, stretchy sac of scrotal skin, right? 🙂 — BPG
I am still at the beginning of this experience. Two times I had my balls in the hand of a man, in a tight grip , him pressing more and more edging closer and closer up to the point where the pain becomes uncomfortable. He had to grip both of my balls, just one would have been too painful and I encouraged him verbally to put more pressure on until it became too much. Riding the edge up to this point it was super hot. Also the idea of handing my balls over to a man, to be able to trust him with my most vulnerable and sensible parts and see where this leads us is a major turn-on for me.
Yes, Brother! Most definitely the borderline between pleasure and pain can be enticing, fascinating, and uncertain! My principle is I encourage all guys–just don’t do any actual damage. Still, the intensity of sensations can be a huge turn-on at the borders of the comfort zone! — BPG
I agree erotic mindfulness is as important part of our masturbation, Pay attention to our other sex parts besides the penis. Explore that sac and contents ever so gently. Be aware of the changes that happen there as we get more aroused during a bate session. Get a small hand mirror so you can get a good look all around the scrotum. Gently knead and finger those testicles and various cords and contents inside.
Good points, Brother! I often like to say there are no absolute rules for masturbatory excellence, still it’s easy fro any guy (me included!) to get stuck in a rut–hopefully temporary. Of all the awesome, wonderful, spectacular aspects of being human, masturbation should never NEVER become just routine. To pay full attention to your own body and sensations, a reminder of this is more important than ever in today’s Internet world. Be EMBODIED, not just living in your mind, but fully inhabiting your body also.
It;s like we should make a to do list, picking a different part to explore on weekly or bate by bate basis. A sort of guide. One session probe & finger those testes, the sperm factory, one at a time, both of them and so on. Next session finger and probe those thick cords, the vas deferens, inside our sac.
I love the way some cultures call them huevos or baitsim, i.e. “eggs” .
Yes! As a creative writer too, author of the erotic high fantasy series, THE MOONTUSK CHRONICLES, which contain a lot of explicit male masturbation and well as explicit m/m erotic action, I am always looking for descriptive comparisons for male body parts and activity without getting way TOO flowery! I enjoy how some cultures call the balls eggs, rocks, seed-cases, etc.! — BPG
my recent favorite: “tanks” — I know it’s not accurate, but oh so evocative!
my recent favorite: “tanks” — I know it’s not accurate, but oh so evocative!