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Ask The Batemaster: All That Semen Retention


What’s with all the semen retention talk? I like to ejaculate!



Sometimes I get the impression that you try to discourage ejaculation (AKA practice semen retention). Yes, I’ve seen that you say it is natural and healthy, but maybe not too often. Can you explain more about this issue that is so important to us male masturbators? 



Sure! You are far from the first guy who has asked me about this. I may not have communicated all that clearly on this issue. Understandably, every man loves to ejaculate, to feel his brain temporarily dissolve in total surrender to the indescribably intensity of ejaculatory orgasm. 

An important issue is that ejaculation and orgasm are not one and the same thing. You usually experience them together ever since your first ejaculation, so the association feels strong. Still, it is possible to ejaculate without an actual full orgasm, triggered by your brain. You can have orgasms, even multiple dry orgasms without ejaculation. Yes, this sounds a bit far-fetched to some guys at first, but the matter is worth exploring through experience, not just words.


“An important issue is that ejaculation and orgasm are not one and the same thing. You usually experience them together ever since your first ejaculation, so the association feels strong. Still, it is possible to ejaculate without an actual full orgasm, triggered by your brain.”


My own experience was that all through my late teens, twenties, and thirties into my early forties I usually masturbated at least two or three times every day. Sometimes more often, seldom less often. But I began to suspect there were greater potentials to our sexual energy as humans. So, I read a lot of books on Tantra and Chinese Taoist erotic cultivation practices. None gave me a simple, straight-forward “how-to” instructions.

Then, in 1995, I came upon a video called “Fire On The Mountain,” made by Joseph Kramer, about male genital massage. In the 1980s he created a practice based on Taoist cultivation so that men could share high erotic states safely, without exchanging body fluids. I watched the video and because I lacked anyone to try it with, I tried it solo.

The first few times I tried it, I got so excited, I ejaculated within a few minutes. The next time, I “caught the wave,” and I surfed in high erotic states, masturbating for hours each day, without ejaculating for six weeks. I know this may sound extreme. I felt so incredibly good for so long, that a lot of my old habits of poor self-esteem evaporated. That’s how I discovered what I later began to call “Mindful Masturbation.”

It takes a lot of energy to be unhappy; being happy creates energy! 

So, while I am not at all opposed to ejaculation, now I often do so just once or twice a month. I still masturbate often. Unless you learn to make ejaculation a conscious choice, you may miss some of the possibilities that self-pleasure can gift you with.

The possibilities for bliss are limitless!


A note from The Batemaster: I’m honored that the guys at BateWorld have asked me to respond to some questions from male masturbators around the world every week.

Always check with your doctor about any issues you might be experiencing with your sexual organs. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important. This article’s purpose is to inform and entertain readers and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment.


View all posts by The Batemaster (Bruce P. Grether)

How Bruce P. Grether became the Batemaster

Among his earliest memories, Bruce recalls seeing an adult man’s penis swing about anchored in a nest of curly brown hairs when the man was changing clothes. That penis fascinated him and he somehow knew it was of major importance. He also remembers how good it felt to slide down a stairway banister or to climb a tree with pressure between his legs sending delicious sensations all through his body.

At an early age, he played doctor with another boy his age, and the frottage he enjoyed as they rubbed their penises together made him feel One with All Things.

He was older, maybe 9 or 10 years when he figured out how to actually masturbate while taking a shower. Immediately Bruce became a fan of self-pleasure, though, with puberty, he became extremely shy about his body being seen. Still, when his pubic hair sprouted and his penis grew bigger, it astonished him how incredible the sensations could feel with adult genitalia.

All through his 20s and 30s Bruce loved masturbating and did it often. Something kept tell him though, that there could be more to it. None of the books he read about Tantra and Taoist erotic cultivation provided simple how-to instructions. Finally, in his early 40s, he came upon Joseph Kramer’s video about male genital massage: FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN.

Having no playmates to try this with, he tried it on himself. In the process, he discovered what he soon named “Mindful Masturbation.” For 6 weeks he masturbated for hours every day, and did not ejaculate once! This was the Penis Paradise he had been looking for since his adventures playing doctor as a young boy. He was changed forever and lost most of his shyness and insecurities.

Bruce began to listen deeply to whatever his penis told him. This way he learned more and more about male masturbation, the penis, and he studied human sexuality. Soon he was hired to write professionally for the sex education site JackinWorld (dot) com, which he did for some years under the name “Bruce McFarland.”

Since then, his erotic activism is more radical and he uses his actual given name: Bruce P. Grether, AKA the Batemaster. He has hosted workshops and now does online masturbation coaching. In 2012 his best-selling book THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN PHALLUS was published and with his handsome young friend Blue Tyger he created the Erotic Engineering site to explore advanced male self-pleasure practices.

Bruce considers himself a Missionary of the Male Mysteries and his work continues.

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  1. I practice semen retention but not in the way most people who practice it do. I masturbate and ejaculate for quality, not quantity. I masturbate quite often but I like to space my ejaculations out. For me I like to ejaculate about once in two weeks. This may sound impossible for some but let me tell you it is well worth the wait. It takes training but masturbating without ejaculation for a week or two just gets your dick more horny and sensitive as the days go by. I just love the sensations I get even when flaccid. You feel so empowered and masculine. For me at week two my dick lets me know when it really needs to ejaculate. When I make the decision to ejaculate I start a nice session and my dick feels so good even at the start. I’m hard as a rock almost instantly. I go really slow enjoying the enhanced sensations. I can feel the semen preparing itself I guess loading the chamber. It is hard to explain but it feels different than usual. Just the best feeling in the world, this is before shooting. When ready to explode my dick seems to get even harder like it is trying to reach for the ceiling. When I finally explode I am not just ejaculating, I am having a toe curling orgasm. You just have that “wow” feeling. This is why I have found through the teachings of Bruce Grether for me quality of orgasm is better than quantity by not ejaculating every time you masturbate. Bruce calls it Mindful Masturbation. Give it a try guys, you don’t know what you are missing by ejaculating every time you masturbate.

  2. I completely agree , i have been gooning for 3 weeks now, and the longer you hold off, the more pleasure you experience, i don’t want to give that up, to a quick orgasm. To each his own, we all have to create our own limits, but it is worth trying . And the art of edging does take time practice and feeling your own limits, as the change every day. Going into my forth week….

  3. You’re right on with this article. I basically go about bating the same way, including infrequent ejaculation, and it’s the most pleasure I have ever felt.

  4. Bruce, Thanks for the article. I have been practicing Taoist male sexual practices for 34 years, with the excitement and joy of using the million dollar pressure point, as Dr. Steven Chang refers to it in his writings. Using this pressure point results in simultaneous multiple orgasms that absolutely take my breath away and roll my eyes into the back of my head. Chang describes it in this way, an orgasm with ejaculation is a 10, simultaneous orgasm with injaculation is a 9, but when you have 6 orgasms, one right after another, you have 6×9=54; absolutely transcending and magical, all while retaining semen for amazing energy and vitality.

  5. Many many thanks to Bruce for teaching me the multiple dry orgasmic technique! I usually have 1500 little dry orgasms over the course of a month in between wet orgasms. 50 – 75 sets of 20 -30 dry orgasms. Similar to Troy’s experience, although the dry orgasms are much smaller than wet ones used to be, they charge up my body so that at the end of a set I’m tingling with erotic energy.

  6. The New England Journal of medicine recommends that men ‘clear the pipes’ 2 or 3 times per week. This staves off prostate cancer. Semen retention was developed by men who don’t know this important fact of life for men.

  7. I love that we have an article that basically talks about edging. I have been doing it for years without knowing I have been doing it. When I bate and not cum the erotic energy stays with you. I feel horny the next day or days and and edge for weeks without cumming. When I do decide to cum it’s a conscious choice. It’s also one of the best orgasms. It also is great for lasting longer when I have sex with guys. I would say that it has kind of ruined what I would consider quick sex. I don’t want to have sex with guys who want a quick fuck. If you don’t want more than 10 min then I tell the guy I am not for you. I can basically fuck and edge in a guy and not cum. Sometimes I have to fake cumming so I don’t ware the guy out. It has made me a far better provider of pleasure for the other person cause I don’t cum till they are satisfied. Edging enables me to do that. I am very much a pleaser and nothing gives me more pleasure than giving pleasure to someone else. I will warn you that once the word gets out that you are able to do this which it will you will have guys lined up just from word of mouth that you are good at sex. I could not be happier with edging with bating and in sex with another.