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Ask The BateMaster: Direct Prostate Stimulation

How Can I Stretch My Hole Safely?
QUESTION: I have a very tight asshole. I finger it and can slip small objects in to use as a dildo. But I can’t get anything bigger inside. I’m afraid to force anything bigger in and tear something. How can I safely stretch my hole? I use lube… any suggestions???
RESPONSE: As you’ve learned, anal insertion isn’t as easy as it looks in most of the porn videos, where in reality the guys

Ask The Batemaster: Pre-cum

The Lowdown on Cowper’s Gland Fluid
QUESTION: I’m a huge pre-cum fan, and it makes a great natural lube. But I don’t ooze a lot of it, and not all that often. What causes different guys to pre-cum more or less? Is there any way to increase the amount of pre-cum I ooze?
RESPONSE: The truth is that there’s a wide range of how much pre-cum guys ooze while aroused and masturbating, from none ever, to almost a constant fountain for a small number of men. The difference seems to be mostly genetic; however,

Calling in the Directions… of Cock!

Sexperiential Lessons By A Bating Sexologist
I’ve just returned from the second Cock Summit which was another amazing success (tell you all about it in the forthcoming article). On Saturday night, we had a bonfire and to start it off, we wanted to enact the ancient ritual of calling in the directions. Some rituals call in the four directions (north, south, east, west), while I like to call in the seven directions (including above, below, and center). It’s a way to cast a spell of inclusion and blessing and possibility.

Ask The Batemaster: Masturbation And Food Cravings

How to Handle The Post-Bate Munchies
Question: When I finish bating, I have a sudden craving for chocolate. Is it normal to crave something after finishing?
Response: Part of my mission to encourage male masturbators is to urge you to consider your self-pleasure as part of a healthy practice of trying to love yourself better and better every day.

The Glories of Bating Outdoors

Sexperiential Lessons by Dr. Jallen Rix
I am lying naked on my back under the sun. It’s the first day of Spring that I can really call hot, and I just couldn’t take another stressful afternoon of city life. So I drove out of town, along with our local river to a dirt parking lot off the highway. From here, a path leads to a nude beach.

Honing your online skills: Words of Arousal

Insights from a bating sexologist, Dr. Jallen Rix (hand2rod)

"You don't just masturbate... you display, you exhibit your sexuality as much for the viewer's pleasure as your own... it pleasures you to masturbate for us... you look at the camera as if watching us watching you as you entertain us with your naked self-pleasure. It's that desire to be enjoyed sexually by others that I find so erotic about you. xxx"